The sleepovers

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Hey guys, told you I would try to upload, i have the perfect song for this chapter, because I dont know I just felt like it, I found it again today:) I already know the song they will sing for the big show:) but here is the next chapter soooo with out furth adew:






He was laying down on his bed while I was sitting up and looking down at his handsome face, our hands intwined and just talking, after his mum agrred to let me stay for dinner we sat and talked some more, we just talked about our lives, I kind of went qiet when he brought up my dad but let it go when Lina burst in smiling at us.

"I knew it! HA HAR!" she cackled and I frowned wondering if she had finally lost her chops, I watched as she gave him a smug look and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, you win, I'll pay you later Lina, now get out! your way to annoying," he chuckled while I frowned, they had a bet?

"Okay brother of mine but first did you invite her to that thingy were doing next weekend, tell me you did, I want at least 2 girls to go, Pleaasee?" she begged and he laughed.

"I havn't asked but before you rudely barged in I was about to so do you want to get out now so I can Invite her please Lina?" She ran out of the door faster than anyone could say bubba loves trucks and slammed the door I frowned at her oddness, "okay so look, A couple of my mates and Lina and Sarah, a mates girlfrnd, we are going up to Lake Boonadooma next weekend, did you wanna come? Its about 15km from Proston We'll come back Monday morning, miss school? Please?" he asked, giving me the most adorable puppy dog eyes I had ever seen in my life, I smiled.

"Of course I will come if your friends want me to?"

"They will, if I do they will, dont you have to ask your dad?" he suggested

"Nah, he um, has gone away for a while so I think I will be alright to stay a couple days with some friends, so yeah,"

"he has left you on your own?" he sounded a little angry.

"um, yeah, I guess he has work to do but thats alright, the maid is always there in the mornings and till 5 in the afternoon, I am safe, plus the security alarm and Bullet proof windows," I laughed, Dad had had them stuck in when we moved I asked him about it, but he just said it was better to be safe then sorry.

"I don't want you there alone, especially at night, what, if Lina stayed with you, or me?" he asked

"I..I dont know."

"Well it could be me and Lina, me tonight, we will take turns, please say yes Danni, i just want my girlfriend safe," His face broke out into a smile when he said that and it was so beautiful, butterflies flouded my stomach. Coud I have him at my house without making myself seem like a loser? I didn't really like being alone at night, eating alone.

I woudn't have to if omeone was there with me, now woul I? I sighed, realising I had been lost in my thought I tuned back into the conversation at hand, "Fine, but there are rules, you have to stay in the guest room, and well thats about it." I smiled at him after he nodded.

"come on, I will ask mum and tell Lina, also I should probably take you home, my parent are going to question you in dinner so I should get you out of here before they can do that, we will however say good bye though,"

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