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     Rihanna. Drake. Adele. Taylor Swift. One Direction. Justin Bieber. I can't think of any other ones because I listen to emo music. Anyway, all of these people sing. And maybe you like their songs, maybe you listen to emo music like me or kpop like my friend Winter. The point I'm trying to get across is, do you like music? If you don't, I'm sorry but your life is sad. Dean would be disappointed. *Ahem Supernatural reference* If you like music, and you like stories, then why don't you like MUSICALS. I will once again list some musicals with awesome music, but I won't do the same ones because that would be boring.

1. Next to Normal. Guys, this musical is WEIRD but watch it anyway. If not, just listen to the soundtrack and be confused but also at the same time be in awe of how cool the music is. This award-winning musical stars, The Mom Who Can't Let Go Of Her Dead Son So She Tries To Kill Herself, The Dead Son Who Tortures His Own Mother With Creepy Songs About Being A Ghost, The Dad Who Just Wants To Have A Normal Family, The Daughter Who Has More Issues Than Her Mom Which Is Really Saying Something, and The Daughter's Boyfriend Who Doesn't Really Need To Be In This Musical At All.

2. Into The Woods. Act 1 is pretty super great and then everything just goes to Hades. The songs are good though, but they are super hard to play on the piano. *Shakes fist* SONDHEIM!

3. Fiddler on the Roof. This was originally West Side Story, but then I started singing a song from this and I was like, "Holy crap! I forgot to put Fiddler on the Roof on my list!" And so here we are. This musical is SO GOOD guys! SO GOOD. It's about a Russian Jewish man  who is very poor and has three daughters. You know how back then, how fathers picked your husband for you? Well that is what this guy is doing. Trying to get a good match for his eldest daughter. (Which in his mind means a man about in his 60s with a lot of money.) And then the darn oldest goes and falls in love with a poor tailor. Dang it. But it's approved because, well, he's Jewish. But then, I think his youngest daughter, falls in love with a CHRISTIAN soldier. And that is a no-no. So she is disowned, and she walks off into the distance with her unapproved husband and her push cart.

4. Mamma Mia! That exclamation point is actually part of it. Look it up. Okay so I guess these don't really count as "show tunes" since they are 70s hits recorded by the one and only ABBA. Buuuuut... they did have a musical written AROUND them and bonus, the guy who plays the main girl's fiancé in the movie, is the guy who plays Tony Stark's dad in Captain America: The First Avenger. Pretty awesome, huh? Sorry, I let my fangirl get away from me. Just one more connection though. The girl who plays the main character is also... the semi-main woman in Les Miserables. Go watch Les Mis. And then watch Mamma Mia!

5. Pippin. I. LOVE. THIS. MUSICAL. It's so freaking amazing and I could listen to the soundtrack over and over and over again. Morning Glow? On loop.

     That concludes reason *holds up two fingers* number two. Looking back at these reasons, I'm starting to think that these at good reasons not to watch musicals... but whatever. Maybe the next reason will convince you... if you're a shallow person who cares nothing about talent! I can't say that though because... well... you'll see. 

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