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     The classics. Oh the classics. Back when the world was more simple and so was moviemaking. Apparently now we need musicals about how no one's first love will work out to make people like me cry. Sorry, I'm still super bitter about La La Land. But HA! They didn't get the Oscar for the best movie. In your FACES! (I apologize if you like La La Land, I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings) Aaaaaaanyway the classics are the best. We have people like Julie Andrews and.... Julie Andrews.... Just kidding we also had Debbie Reynolds, Barbara Streisand  and Gene Kelly. The legends of the Broadway world. And the musicals that go right along with them.

1. Singin' in the Rain. Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds!!!!!!!! This musical gives me hope for the world because it's just so.... perfect. (Aside from the fact that there is like no one who isn't Caucasian in it. That's a little concerning.) But other than that, it's what the movies and musicals are all about! Romance, dancing, singing, bright colors and bad film quality! That's what I'm talking about!

2. The Sound of Music. I had to fit some Julie Andrews in here somewhere. There is no Broadway without this woman, you have to admit. The Sound of Music is a very beautiful movie/musical that makes my want to cry every time I see it. It also makes me want to hide under my covers with all of my lights on in my house. That puppet part? Freaked me out when I was a kid and still freaks me out to this day.

3. Hello, Dolly! Why most musicals have exclamation points at the end of their names is beyond me. It's not just, Hello, Dolly, it's Hello, Dolly! Like how it's not Panic at the Disco, it's Panic! At the Disco. Anyway, Barbara Streisand and her talent makes this whole musical awesome (if you're watching the movie version) and twenty year-old Michael Crawford. It was a little weird to see him in this, since you know, I'm used to listening to him threaten to crash chandeliers in opera houses. But do you know what I realized when I first watched this? It's the musical in Wall-e! The one that he likes to mimic and listen to on tapes? That's Hello, Dolly! Aw, the memories of my childhood. Hello, Dolly! Is about a matchmaker who decides that she has found the most perfect match ever, this business man and herself. Pretty classy, am I right?

4. The Music Man. I think this musical is what I would be if I were a musical. It has music (check) and a strong willed woman (check) who is a librarian (check) and the main guy is a roguish flirt (check.) Not like I am a roguish flirt, I just find them amusing. In summary, this musical is amazing and that's all you need to know to watch it.

5. The King and I. This brings back memories of when I thought all musicals were innocent and sweet. How very wrong I was. This musical is very sweet though, it's about a woman from England who agrees to be a governess for the king of.... a country's.... children. And he has a lot of them. I think it might be the fact that he has thirty wives, maybe, you know? Can't jump to conclusions. She becomes best friends with the whole royal family, even the king and his ever growing number of wives. She teaches the king how to ballroom dance and it's a beautiful scene. *Dabs at tear* It was just... so beautiful guys. So beautiful.

     I hope you like this list better than the last one. I kind of want to print out that last one and burn it because it is horrible but I'm going to leave it in here because... without it I probably wouldn't reach ten reasons you should love musicals. Probably just nine, if I can think of anymore. But no, I already have the rest of the reasons mapped out in my head and I believe that they're pretty legit.

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