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    The LOVE... triangles. I hate love triangles but there is a ridiculous amount of them in musicals. It's crazy. There is also just normal love stuff like in Newsies and others but there is A LOT of love triangles for some weird reason. But these aren't love triangles like... do I dare say it? Twilight. These aren't really insane triangles, they're just frustrating. And they usually go for the person that you don't want them to go for, like in EVERY SINGLE YOUNG ADULT BOOK. Did I say how much I hate love triangles? But some people love them. Like a lot of my friends, so I just give them the books with love triangles in them and then they love them. Anyway, here's a list of love triangle musicals.

1. The Phantom of the Opera. This is... I don't even know how to explain this. It's depressing really, Christine picks the rich pathetic guy instead of the insane one that stalks her... wait. That actually sounded like a good choice.... hmmm... I may need to rethink my priorities.

2. Wicked. Elphaba, Glinda, and Fiyero. This one's a good triangle because Fiyero picks the right girl. (In my opinion) But he was previously engaged to Glinda the Good Witch and then he was like, "You know what? That Elphaba girl is pretty freakin' awesome." And then... you get the point.

3. Camelot. This one's just a given. The timeless story of Lancelot stealing King Arthur's lady, I think you may know it. I think what you might not now is that Lancelot is pretty much a %$#! in this and Guinevere doesn't pick anyone and runs of to become a nun. Classic.

4. Les Miserables. Love at first sight in this one, and then Marius feels like he can't fight for the FRENCH REVOLUTION (or the June Rebellion as SOME people who want everything to be perfect call it) because his love is waiting for him. Come on guy! It's the French Revolution! Who cares about your lonely soul? And on the side we have our dear Eponine who is head over heels with Marius and he treats her like his little GPS and message girl. He uses her to find his love which is super cruel, but granted he is oblivious and doesn't know Eponine loves him even though she is super obvious about it.

5. Sweeney Todd. *Shivers* This musical is terrifying but there is... sort of a love triangle. It's more like two people love each other and there is this other guy who is super creepy and wants to force the girl to marry him. Dang it Judge Turpin. You made Benjamin's wife kill herself and you made him into a creepy homicidal demon who bakes human pies. As I said, this musical is terrifying. The main character calls razors his "friends." Who does that? 

     aks;jfklasdjf;asiefjeoiwjf;;aisdfj;osadkfjdfk <------ These are my feelings about the musical love triangles. You can take it however you want. My violent love-hating friends (or if you like love and violence) stick around for the next chapter, because I think that it'll appeal to you.

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