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     A lot of feels happen when you are watching or listening to musicals. These are my four stages of musical feels:
     1. Speechlessness
     2. Denial
     3. Sobbing on the floor curled up in a fetal position.
     4. Depression
     All of these things have happened to me multiple times during multiple musicals. It's embarrassing, one time my mom found me curled up in an armchair bawling hysterically after I watched a certain musical that you will soon see on my feels list. Sometimes you skip some stages like me and I just go straight to depression sometimes. Hopefully you are not an emotional mess like me because then I would feel sorry for you. As I said in the Wooperklfelfer Adventures, I'm 3/4 emotion and 1/4 actual sense.

1. The Last Five Years. This is number one for a reason. I didn't really sort my last ones out as number one being the most relevant to the chapter topic, but for this one I am. This is the armchair sobbing musical that has haunted my dreams since.... August I think. Just to clarify things in case you ever watch it, it start with the perspective of the girl and it's the end of her and her husband's relationship and then the next scene is the perspective of the guy at the beginning of their relationship. So it goes backwards for the girl in alternate scenes and forward for the guy and they meet in the middle when they get married. You will thank me for this, because I was SUPER confused when I first watched it but I still ended up in a puddle of tears on the floor. By the way, Jamie's a &#$%. Don't trust that guy. I mean he's played by Jeremy Jordan who is amazing and adorable but the guy he plays is a jerk.

2. Rent. I've listened to this soundtrack and it's super depressing. Everyone is addicted to drugs and/or has AIDS. I just... I can't even.

3. Next to Normal. This musical, once you get past the craziness, the darkness, and the hilariousness of it all, it's actually super sad. I feel myself getting more and more sad as the soundtrack goes on. Poor... everyone in that musical actually.

4. Spring Awakening. I can't even listen to the soundtrack without feeling like I need to go and watch all of the Disney movies ever in existence. And cry. And throw up. And just feel disgusted with the world. 

5. Les Miserables. As the brilliant website sfgate.com said, "It doesn't get much sadder than a title that translates to 'The Miserable.'" And then everybody dies.

     So there you go, musicals can make you feel extremely happy and hopeful about life or they can make you feel like the Apocalypse just needs to come all ready so the world can be rid of everything. You're welcome. Chew on that for a while. 

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