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Cass wanted to meet me at the stadium for the match. When I saw her she had messy hair and was sorting out her clothing. I looked at her questioning what she was doing, normally she was neat and tidy. I decide to confront these thoughts. "Why such a mess?" I asked her. She looked at me like nothing was wrong with her.

"What do you mean?" she questioned. I looked at her weirdly. What is she hiding from me? "Well, your hair is a mess and you are not ready, normally you are. What are you hiding?" I said starting to get angry at her.

"Well if you must know I've met someone and I was with him before this. You know, I don't have to tell you everything that goes on in my life." She screamed at me. She doesn't usually act like this.

"Okay I'm sorry I just wanted to know what was going on." We left it at that as we walked to our seats to watch Tottenham play. It's never quiet with Cass it kind of feels weird. I decide to break the silence and speak up "So..What's he called?" I started with something simple get the conversation started. "Joshua." She said bluntly like she didn't want to have this conversation.

"What is he like?" I asked slowly in case she didn't want to talk about it but it seems like she did. "Well we met at a club and he bought me a drink and we just started talk. I don't know much about him but that's what I like. He's a mystery." I was shocked. She was going out with a guy who she doesn't know about. This isn't Cass. She is careful on what she does. She doesn't do this so I wonder more and thought of asking her questions that will tell me properly about the situation. "He reminds me of Autumn." I got confused. Autumn?

"He reminds you of a season?"

"I mean, sometimes he's warm, bright and glowing, but other times he's the coldest person I've ever met and I swear to god you can see the ice in his heart through his eyes. Autumn is beautiful, but what people seems to forget about this season is that it's when everything is dying. It's actually rather morbid when you think about it. That's why he reminds me of Autumn because he is beautiful but he is dead inside no emotion, no feeling, no nothing."

This made me think about him in depth but it also made me think of Toby like what season is he like. He's defiantly not autumn or winter because he's not cold. Maybe he could be spring, a season of re-birth. Like our relationship, it's a second chance for both of us. He could also be summer has he's also warm and comforting. 

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