Eazy E|4

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Completely in a daze, my thoughts consumed me-- I could barely function nor recognize my surroundings.

I sat in the backseat of the car, looking hopelessly at nothing.

There aren't many trees in Houston.

Emery and his father remained quiet as Jay Z's, Cry played softly.

"You hungry Kid?"


I put my hood on and I could barely close my eyes because I could see Deion's shook and bloody face.

I knew my strength and I overused it.

Other people would say she had it coming but I never let my soul leave me and that's exactly what happened.

I guess sensing that I wanted to be left alone, no one spoke during the hour drive until we got to Emery's place.

Emery pulled into his own driveway slowly, scanning the surrounding area in his blind spots and peripheral

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Emery pulled into his own driveway slowly, scanning the surrounding area in his blind spots and peripheral.

"Clear." He thought to himself.

He looked into his rearview mirror and caught a glimpse at a sleeping Amisi.

Emery worried about her a lot.

Amisi hadn't had an episode like that since she was in fifth grade.What was it about today that made her reaction flourish. Usually, Amisi ran away from conflict, it made her itch or she'd let things happen, and remain content.

To Emery today was her breaking point on Deion--he's worried about who will be next.

"Dad, what do you think is going on in that house? I've never seen her like this before."

Old Emery, sighed.

He loved Amisi as his own but he couldn't have afforded or handled having a girl if he tried.

"I don't know...but whatever it is, has Misi, not in her right mind."

Emery got out of the car and opened the rear door, carrying Amisi to her bedroom she occupied while over the Knox's.

He opened the double-doors and the room was just how she left it.


Old Emery lied, this wasn't clean.

Emery maneuvered his way over to her bed, laying her down gently.

Hoping that she didn't wake up, he examined her scratches and bruises, noting to himself that he would clean them later.

He struggled to take off of her shoes.

"God dammit."

Amisi started to move.

Amisi: The Emancipation of a Wall FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now