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I stood there.


There she was just laying there, with a bullet wound to the shoulder.

Blood was pooling all over Emery's white marble.


"MISI! Don't just fucking stand there!"

Emery yelled.

I looked for any other emotion on his face.

No sadness, just urgency.

For her?

Help her?

After all she's done.

The human in me, allowed me overlook it, and grab some bandages, wipes, and a towel. All while making sure Kya was asleep, she couldn't witness this.

I shouldn't be witnessing this.

So much blood. So much noise.

"Bite this! Now." I knelt down to her level, stuffing the towel-sock combo in her mouth.

"Someone explain to me what the hell is goin'on? Em?"


I was in the zone. Counting stacks, smoking my dro' , and vibing.

Sap and I choppin'  it up and I hear a loud bang. Don't nobody know this address but Sap.

"Yo, what the fuck.."  I whispered. He shrugged, I
roughed him up.

"Do not fucking play with me right now."

We installed a very old, but efficient security system, and what I saw triggered me.

No cops. No opps. But my BM.

"My nigga, ain't that Holiday?"

"Holi-? Kwanz?"

"She looks strung out, but how the fuck does she know where this at?"

"I don't even know but we gotta get her.."
So we walked outside, swiftly, checking our surroundings. We heard a cry, my name.

"Emeryyy, help me! Please!"

We were both armed and next thing you know, I here shots.

Her nigga, came out the woodwork aiming at us. Wounding Sap, it seemed minor, he winced.

"My nigga, GO! I got this!" He ran away, barely making it to his car out back. But obviously he wasn't the target, I was.

Or else he'd be dead.

I shot in  all directions possible, wounding her.

Killing him.


"So, I cleaned her up a bit to make sure she didn't leave any blood. Called my yung nigga AI to clean her nigga up. Handled dat. And she lucky she's my BM, or she'd be done. My daughta' need her."

"No, she's also human. Not defending her dumbass but still. You could've had two bodies on your hands."

"I've had more.." he muttered.

Amisi: The Emancipation of a Wall FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now