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(This isn't what she has to look like, imagine her how ever you want to!)

I slowly get up, turning off my alarm clock. I walk over to my closet and pick out an oversized tan sweater, red tank top, white wash jeans and red converse. I run into my bathroom and pull up my light brown hair in a messy bun.
"Breakfast is almost ready!"
"Thanks mom!" I yell down the stairs. I run back into my room and slid to my mirror. I sit down putting on my makeup that matched my sun kissed skin. I grab my backpack and fall down the stairs.
I look up to see my mom starring at me trying not to smile. I start to giggle while getting up. I run past my mom and turn into the kitchen.
"Pancakes!" I whisper
I sit down pouring syrup them all over them and putting a slice of butter in top. I look down at my phone after I finished.
"7:30!" I scream
I get up and run out the door to my car that I had just gotten this summer.
"Bye mom!" I scream out the window seeing her wave to me.

I come in the front doors of Eastwood High at 8:00pm. I had at least 15 minutes to put my books in my locker and meet up with my friends.
"Riley!!!" I turn to my name being screamed from down the hall.
"Emma!!" I scream back.
"I haven't seen you all summer, how was Paris? How are you?" I ask in a rush.
"I know, and Paris was great and I'm fine" she pants from running.
We catch up while walking to English.

"Hi class!"
"Hi Miss. Golden." We all said in unison.
She started rambling on about a new book we're going to start reading. I yawn and turn back to 'pay attention' to the rest of class.
One hour later
I ran out of the room trying to beat the football team from squishing me in the doorway.
"That was the best nap I've ever had!" Exclaimed Emma.
"I didn't sleep" I said
" I'm saving my nap for Mr. McConnals class"
We laugh and turn opposite directions.

After school

I come in the door with a groan thinking about the homework I have for tonight. I stumble up stairs and into my room. I turn my phone to play music while I finished up my homework.

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

I started my math when my mom walked in.
"Dinner will be ready soon, dear"
"Ok mom"
I finish up my homework and head down stairs for dinner. I stop in the living room smelling steak and macaroni.
"Oh no something happened, someone died, or we are moving" I thought
I continued slowly into the kitchen, seeing both of my parents smiling at me.
"Here we go" I thought
I sat down in mg usual spot and looked at my parents still smiling. I narrow my eyes at them.
Ding dong
The noice of the doorbell got my out of my trance.
"Come in" my mom yelled
I turn around seeing a silhouette of someone walking through the door. I turn back and get up to get some water.
"Welcome!" My mom almost screamed
"Ahh mom" I said with water spilled all over the ground and me. She turned around and stared smiling at the sight of me.
"Oh, sorry hun" she giggled
I turn away from the fridge seeing a guy about my age standing at the island hold back a smile at the sight of me.
"Who is this" I thought
Grabbing the paper towels off the counter and drying off myself and the floor I stand up and bump my head on the cabinet door I left open when I was getting my glass. I turn again to see everyone at the table staring at me.
"Great" I thought
I sat down next to the guy my age.
"Well, this is awkward. Um this is my daughter, Riley." My mother said the the boy next to me.
"Riley this is Nathan" she said hesitantly.
I want to remind you, that I still have absolutely no clue who this boy is or why he is at my dinner table or WHY he is eating MY macaroni! Oh, and why he is in my house!
"Um... mom, I'm not trying to be rude but why is he in our house?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear"
A few seconds later the awkward silence comes to an end.
"He will be living with us, for the next year" my mom mumbled.
"Say what!"
I turn to him, it looked like I had hurt his feelings.
"Sorry, this is the first time I've heard about this" I said politely.

After dinner I walked back upstairs to show Nathan his new room. It was a little bit bigger than mine, I was fine with that.
"Hey, sorry, I was just in a little but if shock at dinner, I didn't mean to be rude" I said with a smile.
" it's fine, I just find out yesterday" he smiled
"Can we start new?" I asked
" sure" he said while he threw his belongings in his bed.
" want a tour of your new home?" I asked
"Yes please" he said turning back to me.
I showed him the house and told him about our school. I walked back to my room and layed on my bed to text Emma.
-What! What happened!
-There is a guy living in my house now!
-What? Who is he?
-Well his name is Nathan and he has bright blue eyes blond hair, well kinda brown I guess and he has tan skin and HE'S BEAUTIFUL YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!
-He sounds beautiful
I laugh looking up to see Nathan next to me. I almost screamed when I saw him.
"So I'm beautiful?"
I felt myself turn red.
"So, um w-what do you n-need?" I asked stuttering
"You never showed my the bathroom"
"Oh I'm sorry"
I got up tripping of course. I walked out of my room and showed him the bathroom that he and I would share. I turn around and think...
"I'm not ready for this adventure"

Hey readers!!
Thank you so much for reading my first book and chapter!! I promise there will be an update soon!!

Through Thick and Thin *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now