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I woke up to someone laying me in bed. I open my eyes to see Nathan looking at me with forgiveness.
"It's not your fault, it's mine, I should be eating." I choked out
"I feel like it is though. I'v been with you for the past week, I should notice this kind of stuff."he mumbled
I gave him a reassuring smile. I looked at my bedside table to see it was only 9:30.
"It's not very late" I said
"Yeah, I was gonna play video games"
"Omg! Really I wanna try!"
"Ok, ok come on"
We walked out of my room. I walked across the hall but I look over to see Nathan at the top of the stairs.
"Uhh, Nathan?"
"Oh sorry, go on in I'm gonna grab some snacks!"
I rolled my eyes. This boy doesn't do anything if food isn't involved. Then again I don't either.

I walked into his surprisingly almost clean room. I sit on the gray couch slowly sinking in. I pull my legs up and criss-cross them while I wait for Nathan. I turn in the controllers and the PlayStation. I was about to get up before he walked in. He smiled and put down the Doritos, soda, and candy on the floor. He sat down next to me and clicked on 'Call of Duty'. I rolled my eyes. I was super exited anyway.

"Hah, beat that" I smirked.
"That was me killing you"
"Wait I'm not the top screen?"
"Um no"
I look over at him, he has a shy smile on his face as he shrugged his shoulders.


My eyes widen at the sudden sound. Nathan and I got up together and slowly walked to the top of the stairs. I had a pillow from Nathan's couch "protecting" me.

"We're home!"
I run down stairs with Nathan following close behind. I walk into the living room seeing dad with a big Christmas tree. My eyes widen as I look back at Nathan.

"Hey hunny" dad said to me as he set down the tree. I smiled and pulled him into a big hug. While my mom walked over to Nathan, pulling him into a hug. I looked over dads shoulder as Nathan looked over my moms shoulder. He winked at me before they both pulled away from us. A few side conversations later mom and dad went to bed.

Nathan walked over to me.

"Wanna go play another game?" He asked. I smiled and nodded as he pulled me upstairs.

Of course he clicked in another game like the last one.
"Hah, take that!" I screamed turning around.
"That was you" he laughed.
I glared at him and turned quickly back around to face the tv. I was so exited I was standing.
"Can you move over, baby?"he asked.
Baby? He's never called you that before! How do you respond?

Shut up conscious!

"Baby?" I turn saying with a smirk on my face.
He began to turn pink.
"It's ok I like it, can I call you it?"
Wow, just wow you really know how to be awkward don't you, yep you do!

I hate my conscious!

"Sure" he smiled as the pink went away in his face.
An hour later I was tired of playing video games.
"Wanna watch a romance movie?" I ask sweetly.
"What? I'm in the mood. Pleeaaaasssse?"
"Yay! Let's watch beauty and the beast!"

We where snuggled in a blanket. I began to cry for some reason. He turned to me and wiped my tears away with his thumb. I smiled weakly before turning back to the tv.

My eyes started getting heavy. I slowly drifted off to sleep. Nathan and I still snuggled in the blanket. Beauty and the Beast ended so Nathan put on The Lion King. This movie ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS makes me cry. Luckily I fell asleep before I could see that part.

I wake up still on the couch. I was leaned up against Nathan. I look over to see him looking at me. We both smile before I turn to him and sit up.

"Good morning" he said
"Mhm, morning"
"It's Christmas." He smiled when he saw how exited I got.
"Yaaasssss" I scream/say loudly sitting up.
"Pancakes." I confirm
We walk down stairs already smelling pancakes.

I forced myself and Nathan to not look at the tree yet. We walked into the kitchen. The pancakes were already at the table.
"Good morning!"
"Merry Christmas!"
We had one last pancake before going to the tree.
"Um what's this?" Nathan asked pulling a pine leaf out of his mouth. I couldn't help but laugh. I had forgotten to tell him about then Christmas tradition at my house.
"Ohh you found it ! You get an extra present this year!"mom shouted. That woman loves shouting.
We opened a few presents as mom got up because she forgot her camera, dad went with.
"You can keep opening presents" mom yelled from the stairs.
I pulled open a box The was to me from Nathan. I pull out two tickets.
"South Carolina!?"
"Yep you said you wanted to go there, so we are"
I had a huge smile on my face. I couldn't help myself I lean over and give him a big kiss.
"Oh sorry I'm just exited."
I turned bright red which made him turn bright red because of how hard he was laughing. I began to laugh when I saw his face.
We had ourselves under control before my parents walked in.
Nathan opened my gift. He loved the album and ramen noodles! Eventually we ran out of presents to open.
I run up to my room with my presents. I lay in bed halfway sat up. I turned on Netflix.  Nathan texted me to come on his room to watch Netflix because it was warmer. It's wasn't a lie, his room was warm mine was negative 3 degrees. I pick up all my stuff and walk into his room. He was sprawled out on his bed with his computer on his chest. Not saying a word a plopped myself down on his couch that was on the other side of his room.

I look up to see him smiling and looking at me. I smile back and look back down a my computer. A few minutes later I was hit by something soft/hard. Yep he did that. Right there right then. He hit me with a pillow. I glare at him grabbing a pillow from the couch and hit him right back.

"Ok that one hurt that was right in my face!" I yell
"Ok I'm so- not sorry!"
I walk across his bed and hit him in the head with my pillow. I jump off falling and hitting my finger really hard.
"Ow ow Nathan!"
"What happened?"
And that my dudes is how I fractured my finger.

-hey baby-Riley
-hey baby girl!
-whatcha doin'?
-I'm packing for tomorrow
-where are we going tomorrow?
-look at your tickets
-OMG! I need to pack! Are you almost done? Can you help me?
-I'll be right over

I smiled at my phone as I sat it in the nightstand. My feet it the cold floor. Even though it was carpeted my room was cold. I heard a slight knock on the door as I was pulling out my suitcase. Nathan walked into my closet pulling out random things. I packed the things that I liked. All the sudden clothes stopped being thrown at me. I look over to see Nathan standing in the doorway of my closet with lacey underwear.
"I thought I threw thoughts away." I groan
"Mhmm" he mumbled throwing them at me.

I few hours later I was done packing. I curl up on my bed. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. I feel Nathan climb in next to me.

"goodnight baby" he said kissing my temple.
"Mhmm, night."

Idk what I should write as the authors note so bye!

Through Thick and Thin *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now