thirteen - instagram

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I had convinced myself that you were the one for me, but now I see all the thorns in the flowers you sent me.

99.5k likes | 85k comments

connoro'sexy: when i see that motherfucker i'll go all jackie chan on his ass


username: ^^^

saranudes: don't worry you beautiful raccoon

mialpaca: i'll get my chainsaw.

muhnday_: i'm sorry for everything that adym did to you dills

dillpickle: thanks y'all connoro'sexy mialpaca saranudes muhnday_

username: what the hell did Adym do?

username: ok i love adym but i hate him rn

username: am i the only one who sees that her entire buttcheek is visible

abbybryant: he deserves better than this train wreck

connoro'sexy: FIGHT ME HOE abbybryant

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