Chapter 3: Mystery

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The gods searched high and low for Percy, but he could not be found. One year passed and now even the Hunters of Artemis got involved. When Thalia heard about what happened, it took the Big Three and Artemis to literally pull her back from murdering Annabeth and Issac. Thalia drove the hunt faster and harder, searching up to 5 states in one go. But still, nothing. Poseidon grieved over the loss of his son, and Athena got bitter at Annabeth. Annabeth in turn got bitter and changed, blaming the change of her mother on Percy. She became ruder, more bitter, and more of a bitch. Athena grieved over the changes of her daughter, and Percy whom she might have had a tiny bit of a crush on.

Two years gone by, the gods weren't any better. Thalia became more irritable. Poseidon and Athena, grieved together, and slowly became closer. After the Winter Solstice, he gathered his nerves and asked her on a date, which she happily agreed to because Poseidon's old wife had went down defending Atlantis against Kronos and Gaea. Things went downhill quite quickly and soon Athena had a new title, the Queen of the Seas and she gave birth to a mermaid, whom she named Persia in dedication to her missing step-son. Poseidon also became less depressed and didn't see mortals as much as before, vowing never to have another demigod child until Percy was found. Hades grieved, for Percy was his favorite nephew and that he liked the sassy dude a lot. Zues never showed it, but Hera once woke up to find Zues sitting in the living room crying, watching "Finding Nemo", and whispering "I'm sorry Percy." Over and over again. Hestia, though she didn't know Percy very well, grieved for the boy she considered as a son. Ares didn't really care much, but he admired the boy for daring to stand up to better opponents and never back down. Dionysus became more sober and stopped complaining about his job. He also became better to campers, pronouncing every camper name properly, except Issac's and Annabeth's. Apollo and Hermes became more serious, and on the day of Percy's disappearance, Apollo would cause the sun to dim and create a shadow of a trident on it, which the mortals quickly named the day as "Trident Eclipse." Hermes would take time off from delivering mail the whole day, choosing to spend time with his kids at CHB. Hera became less bitter to demigods and chose to spend days down in CHB, talking to younger campers.

Three years has gone by, not a single sign of Percy. Leo had come back with Calypso on Festus, and when he found out, he burned down the Athena cabin, sent a flood of mechanical spiders into camp, terrorizing all the Athena children and locked himself into Bunker 9, letting only Calypso to see him. When Reyna found out, her mother Bellona and sister Hylla had to be called over to restrain the enraged praetor from razing the camp to the ground. Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a huge spider on a canvas sheet and stuck it into the ground at the front of the Athena cabin, causing them to lockdown the cabin for two days. Meanwhile, two new presences had appeared. They recused demigods from abusive parents and sent them to camp, or if they were girls, to the Hunters. All the demigods were asked about the pair, only knowing that one was a female who fought with high tech armor and and huge hammer like device. The male would always be on the look out, and if he wasn't, a hood covered his face at all times, making it impossible to see his face.

Four years. The Hunters had picked up traces of a new enemy rising again, but no one knew who it was. Only they knew that monsters were targeting demigods. However, the gods didn't know where the enemy were. They sent Artemis and her Hunt to Alaska to check.
Alaska, the untouched wilderness of the North. Sliver flashes darted through the forest, weaving  between trees with surprising quickness. One auburn haired female was at the front. It was Artemis. Her latest mission took her into Alaska. She stopped and her hunters quickly gathered beside her. The forest, which was rustling previous with the pawsteps of Hellhounds, was now silent. "It's a trap!" Artemis hissed as the giant Gration stepped out in his human form leering at Artemis. Artemis shrank a bit seeing that he was looking at her with lust. She raised her bow. "D-don't come any closer Gration!" She said. She usually wouldn't be so scared, but in Alaska, she was just as powerful as her hunters. He just came closer. The shadows lengthen, and gathered. A man in a cloak and hood stood there. He was heavily armed. Two pistols and several grenades were on his belt. His back had an assault rifle on it. Gration reeled back in shock. "Who are you to stop me from taking my future wife?" He roared. "My sister, who happens to be my adoptive mother Chaos' daughter." The man replied. Artemis' eyes widened. This boy was adopted by Chaos herself? That makes him extremely powerful. Gration took one step back. The boy smirked. "I don't think so." He said and he drew what looked like a hollow half sphere and a handle in it. Gration smirked back. "You're gonna hit me with that?" He started laughing. He turned into his giant form with scaly legs. The man smirked. "Well I don't think you know the meaning of this thing I have. Typical, you've underestimated me too many times that your plans fail." The man said the sphere flared into a two point sword.

" The man said the sphere flared into a two point sword

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Gration widened his eyes. "A plasma sword." He muttered. "Monsters attack! Delay him!" Gration said as he turned to escape. He turned and ran just as his monsters surged at the mystery man. The man smirked and with one swing, cleaved a path of destruction through the monsters, eliminating them quickly. When he reached the fleeing Gration he brought his sword into Gration's ankle. Gration howled in pain and fell over. The man climbed quickly on to Gration and stabbed him in the chest. I was about to tell him that giants can only be killed by a god and a demigod, but to my surprise Gration faded away. But he took one last swing and smashed the man through several trees. We ran over to the man. His plasma blade was attached to his belt. I took his hood and gasped. Thalia came up beside me, took one look at the man and fainted. The unconscious man before us was Percy Jackson, the one we were looking for for so long.

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