Author's note and rewritten chapter 1

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Ok, first I have to say I'm sorry for not updating every story of mine  I apologise for not updating for so long but I had (still have) exams and I had massive writer's block  that said, I am back now and after reviewing several books I have decided that several of them are to be rewritten. All rewritten chapters will be in the same books, here's the rewritten version of chapter 1. Enjoy!

Percy Jackson was especially happy today. Why? Because he had finally gotten permission from Athena to marry Annabeth.

Ring in hand, he approaches the entrance to Camp Half Blood. Stepping into the campgrounds, he sees the home he'd never seen since he started the quest for Athena's permission 2 months ago.

Heading into the camp, he starts to have a feeling of dread. New campers he had never seen since he left points and glares at him angrily, while older campers that he knew just give him a sad smile or wave.

He reaches into his pocket and feels riptide, the familiar feel of the pen gives him a little comfort. He sees the Centaur-in-charge of this camp and goes over to him.

"Hey Chiron!" Percy greets cheerfully. Chiron, startled, rose slightly on his hind legs. "Who- oh. Hey Percy, how was your quest to gain Athena's permission?" Chiron asked, turning to face Percy, his hoofs moving on the wooden floor with a clip-clop sound. Percy gave a bright smile. "I did it!" He exclaimed, showing Chiron the ring he had picked out. It was an extremely expensive ring, as Athena decreed that her Daughter should have "nothing but the best". It had a seagreen gemstone surrounded by smaller sapphires. Athena had given her approval at seeing the gemstone and told Percy she looked forward to calling him as her Son-in-law. Aphrodite and Hera (surprisingly) turned up to bless his ring with good marriage.

"That's very nice Percy..." Chiron hesitated, but Percy didn't notice. "Thanks Chiron, Where's Annabeth? I need to find her quickly." Percy asked cheerfully. "She's usually by the lake. I'll go with you." Chiron said and clip-clopped down the wooden stairs and onto the dirt path alongside Percy. They walked in silence, just enjoying the view of Camp Half Blood.

Finally they reached the beach and Percy looked up and down, searching frantically for Annabeth. "Hey Percy! You're finally back!" Jason said, coming up beside Percy. "Oh hey Jason, where's Annabeth?" Jason carefully hides a wince, and points to a section further down on the beach.

Percy strains his eyes and finally spots Annabeth's familiar blond hair and runs off towards that part. "Shit!" Jason curses and runs after him. Chiron gulps and breaks into a trot after the two running demigods.

Annabeth was cuddling with her new Boyfriend, the latest son of Poseidon who was more popular with the younger generations as her ex-Boyfriend Percy had disappeared again 2 months ago and frankly she was done with his shit and wanted a more peaceful life. She was giggling to a joke Ethan said. (A/N: I just have to say here, so that I do not offend any Ethans reading this, I have this asshole in my class called Ethan, so I'm just imagining him being killed a million different ways by Percy, that's all. I only have a grudge against my classmate Ethan, not anyone else with the name Ethan.)

She hear running footsteps in the sand and felt the runner slow down and the air seemed to grow colder, more staticky, like a storm was brewing.

"Annabeth?" Percy said hoarsely. He couldn't believe it. After so many adventures, and the fact he sacrificed two months to get Athena's approval, she threw it away for his younger half sibling.

"P-Percy?" Annabeth's was stunned, she never expected Percy to turn up suddenly. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Well I was gonna ask you to marry me, but I see you have better things, or rather, person to do." Percy's voice was like ice. Chiron and Jason stood behind Percy, showing where their loyalties lay. " can't blame me! You just disappeared for another Two months for nothing!" Annabeth's said hysterically.

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