closing the oneshot book?

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Hey guys
I know the title might make you pissed but it's true. I am really really sorry but a lot of things has been going on lately and i have no time to watch animes or in general anything special and it's too late to actually start watching the whole naruto shippuden and i litrerally know nothing about it anymore so writting fanfictions about the characters is useless for me and for you and .....
Look i'm sorry. I know i'm a horrible person.
I know i have requestes and undone stories but i have lost my one shot note book and al the things i have typed are gone due to my tablets problem that i had to reset it and i have nothing. Again i'm sorry. So so sorry.
But my friend i are writting a story(well mostly me, because all we do is fight over the plot) i'm gonna post the story this week and i would be honored if you would go and read it, if you don't hate me i mean,
I'm really sorry again.

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