Family Dinner

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    I screamed at the top of my voice, dashing out of the room and making my way to Leroy's room, trying to catch my breath. The hallway was empty as I expected because it was very late. I opened his door, greeted by the darkness in the room.
    "Leroy" I Whispered, walking slowly to his bed. He turned on his lamp, sitting up and shooting me that crazy look.
  "I think someone is in my room." I stated, looking petrified. Leroy rubbed his sleepy eyes and got out of bed in his underwear, revealing his torso. He quickly put on a black hoodie, picking up a racket close to his door, following me to my room. I got close to my room, too scared to enter so I halted fidgeting, while Leroy walked ahead of me.
He gently opened the door, turning on the lights and scanning the room for anything suspicious. He turned around facing me, making me to squeak.
  "What exactly did you see Miss?" Leroy asked, giving me a questioning gaze.

  "Uhm... Ehm" I stammered and he urged me to go on. "I saw someone in white, sitting in front of my mirror." I said, terrified. Leroy shook his head in amusement before speaking up
"Miss, that's your white robe and not a creature or something." He stated, chuckling. "Really?" I asked, looking relieved. We both stepped inside the room and I spotted my white robe neatly hung on the chair. I broke into laughter, probably laughing at myself.
  "Seems everything is cool around here, I guess I should leave." Leroy stated, turning his back to leave.
  "No, please stay." I said, grabbing his hand and shocking myself. Leroy looked at my two hands which held his arm strongly, then I realized I was actually holding him, so I let my hands fall to my side. I was scared of sleeping alone, what if someone comes for real this time around, I would die of fear. Seems Leroy read my mind, so he nodded.

  "Okay Miss, I'll just sit on the couch till you fall asleep," he said and I nodded in appreciation. Leroy tucked me in bed before heading over to turn off the light. I heaved a sigh of relief before shutting my eyes one more time to sleep...

Leroy's POV
  I tucked Miss to bed before turning off the light and heading to the couch. Her expression earlier made me realize how fragile she was. In a couple of days, I've seen her weak side and am glad she's beginning to see me as a friend (that's what I think). I could hear her snore quietly in her bed and soon, she began talking in her sleep and I walked over to hear what she was saying but I couldn't hear a thing. Her room was not entirely dark and I could see her face, I could see tears by the corner of her eyes.
I wiped it gently, feeling sad for her. I fell asleep with the thought of her in mind.

The next morning...

I woke up in the morning feeling all good and happy,  I slept well last night which was different from other nights. I looked over to the couch but Leroy was gone. I sighed, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to wash up.

    The house was rowdy when I want downstairs, lots of people carrying this and dropping that. It finally hit me, they were preparing  for the wedding which was just a week and four days away. I walked over to the dinning to eat breakfast, when I ran into Chloe. She was so full of energy, wearing nothing but a bikini and parading herself in the house as my half sister.
  "I can see you are finally awake, I thought you might be dead by now, considering the fact you were screaming last night like a lost sheep." she stated, biting the apple in her hand and I rolled my eyes.
"Sheep don't scream, dumb ass." I said to her, quite irritated. "Oh, that's great," she said sarcastically.
  "I didn't scream." I stated reluctantly as Chloe looked at me in disbelief.
  "Don't forget my room is next to yours, I can hear your craziness from my room," she blurted.

Chloe had a degree for driving me insane.
Leroy walked past us arguing but didn't say a word. He headed to the breakfast table, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
Our eyes (Chloe and I) trailed on Leroy who totally ignored our tussle.

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