Fight Night

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"We need to talk." Leroy said, sitting on the bed. Oh boy, what have I got myself into. He patted the bed, signalling I sit next to him and I did so, nervously. We sat in silence and the more the silence stretched, the more frantic I became.

"Tiffany, I'd love you to accompany me to visit my sister this Saturday." He let out, after the tension built. "Certainly, I would love to." I replied, fiddling my pajamas.

"Very well, thank you and good night." He made a move to stand and I held his hand almost immediately. "You're not mad at me?" I raised my brows at him. He was silent and I searched his face for answers but failed miserably.

"Nope. Although it's not really advisable giving random people your contact but I understand your reasons for doing so and I'm not mad at you." I exhaled, unaware of the breath I've been sucking in all this while. "Thank you for understanding, Leroy, you're the best friend ever." I hugged him immediately and he hugged back, playing with my hair.

"Can't stay mad at you, you're my butterfly." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Good night Butterfly." He kissed my cheek as he exited the room.

Good night Roy, I muttered to myself. Guess it wasn't as bad as I thought...

The rest of the week was a blur, although annoying because Chloe became an object of attention and she spent most of her time exchanging contact with guys and hanging out with her group of friends. I'd really hate to see her hurt because these guys are up to no good and have tricks up their sleeves. I stopped warning her and decided to tell Ben instead. Please don't blame me for being a snitch here, just trying to prevent her from getting hurt. It was Friday and I was exceedingly happy to have a weekend rest and most of all, I looked forward to meeting Leroy's sister and her cute son.

I walked out of Literature class as soon as the alarm blared, signalling the close of school for the week. Walking out the door, I bumped into Royce, one of my brother's friends whom I didn't talk to much.

"I'm so sorry sweet, clumsy me." He joked. I smiled sweetly at him, nodding my head. Royce was actually a nice guy and had a way of charming people but too bad I shut him off when my bro died, and he backed away.

"How are you sweet?" He asked, looking worried. "I'm fine." I replied immediately. He shook his head, like he doubted me. "Not that. I mean, how are you holding up with the new changes, new step mum and sister?"He clarified and I sighed, looking down.

"Hey, it'll be okay, just don't push people who care about you away. I'm here just incase you want to talk." He said, cupping my face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry for shutting you out, I didn't want anyone or anything that will remind me of him," I spoke softly.

"Sometimes Sweet, those memories we have of the deceased should be cherished because it's all we have left of them." He says sincerely and a tear slips down my face. He wiped the tear and pulled me into a hug. I let my tears stain his shirt, before I sobered up.

"Royce you going be late for soccer practice." I pulled away.
"Hey yo! Let's go." One of his team mates called out. He looked at me, smiling apologetically.

"Hope you'd be at the party tonight, your sister won't miss it for anything in the world." Aaron, one of his team mates smirked, as he walk pass and my mouth dropped open.

"There's a party tonight and Chloe said she wouldn't miss it for anything in the world?" I asked Royce and he nodded. "You remember my brother Carter?" He asked me and I nodded.

Carter and my brother were close friends and that was how we got to know Royce who's he's kid brother. Carter is in college now though and I never thought I'd hear about him again.

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