His Ex-wives.

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Katherine's POV.

"Oh! His ex wives, is he expecting the four of you?" I asked nervously.

"He's expecting six but two couldn't make it. I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Rosy the first living wife, this is Alisha the second wife, Blue the third and Nora the fifth." She smiled.

"I presume you're Katherine, the seventh wife." Nora said, leaning closer while I took a step backwards, smiling nervously.

"You're correct, the seventh and final wife." I stated courageously.

"Wow, she's got some courage in her." Blue stated.

"Do you know why Louis divorced each of us? He always said he hasn't gotten over his late wife." Rosy said, almost in a whisper.

"I wonder what his excuse will be this time around." Nora said, sizing me up.

"Maybe that little thing he calls a daughter would be the reason. Oh dear! I pity you." Blue said, in a mocking tone.

"That girl was our problem. She never liked us and I bet she doesn't like you as well,"!Rosy commented.

"Yeah, she was so uptight, don't know about now. I feel sorry for you Kate, I'd advice you don't get too comfortable, I doubt it'll last." Blue commented.

"Please stop, don't try talking her down, we came here to witness the wedding and not to pierce this pretty ladies heart with our history in this mansion." Alisha cut in, she seemed nice.

"Oh please! Stop acting all good Alisha, he hurt you as well." Nora rolled her eyes.

"I know he did divorce me because I got pregnant for his secretary but I've forgiven him. I was indeed guilty and Tiffany liked me a bit." Alisha finished.

"Well well well! look who decided to show up for the wedding, my Dad's ex-wives. Where is Betty and Lauren? I think this is about to get interesting." Tiffany's eyes searched the room.

"Dear, you know you've not fully recovered." I tried to get her away from the drama but she ignored me.

"What a long time, still had the nerve to show your shameless faces here huh? I told ya'll it was never going to last and it didn't. Rosy tell me, how did it feel being divorced for almost making my Dad go bankrupt? Or Alisha, are you okay being divorced for carrying his secretary's baby? No let's talk about Blue, you tried suffocating my Dad with pillow but I caught you. Nora Nora! Yours was so funny. You felt you could trick my Dad into signing off all his assets to you?" Tiffany caught them off guard.

I watched as their face went all red. They were really guilty about the whole thing she said. They really had to go extra miles just for his money? Now I understand why Tiffany doesn't like me. She thinks I'm like them.

"I wonder the lie you must have told Katherine about your divorce. I'm surprised you still had the nerves to show your faces around here." Tiffany was hitting their weak spots and it demoralized them.

"You're a pain in the ass." Nora said in a hush tone.

"Yeah, I agree. But you're all bitches who deserve to rot in jail." She cursed.

"Jeez! I can't stand her." Rosy shook her head in disgust,walking away. I watched as they hurriedly left our presence, going over to the second living room.

"Oh God! Thank you so much for defending me." I smiled at her.

"Don't flatter yourself, I didn't do it for you, I just despise them more than I despise you." She stated ignorantly.

"Thanks though." I sighed in disappointment, as I watched her walk away...

Tiffany's POV

As much as I despised Katherine, I was exasperated when it came to my Dad's ex wives. I went downstairs to get one or two things when I spotted the four of them speaking to Katherine. I knew they were trying to intimidate her so I had to step in.

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