Just kidding

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Leroy clutched a baseball bat, heading downstairs and I ran after him, too terrified to be left alone.

We all got to the kitchen almost at the same time to see Chloe standing in the middle of the kitchen, too frightened to move.

"What happened?" We all asked same question but she didn't say a word.

"Please say something, you're freaking me out." Carly cried. She pointed at something and our eyes followed the direction of her hand, hoping to see a monster but guess what I saw? It was just a little spider. I huffed angrily, shifting my gaze to her.

"Are you for real, you screamed the house down because of this?" I asked, fighting so hard not to knock her over.

"I'm scared of spiders." She muttered.

"Fuck, you're insane!" I cursed under my breath, stomping the stairs to my room.

"Gosh! Chloe drive me insane."

"Someone's looking so bright this morning."Chloe teased Lilah. "Shut up!" She joked.

We all sat in the kitchen, awaiting our pizza delivery. "Care to spill it?" Chloe asked.

"Nope!" She replied, popping the P. "Dang! You guys were so noisy last night, I swear I couldn't sleep." Justin shook his head in disgust.

"Oh yeah! And she was like ooh ooh right there baby..." Ted added.

"Don't skip the part where Ken exclaimed that's it baby, you're damn good." Bruce remarked and we all laughed. We watched as their cheeks turned pink out of embarrassment.

"Shut up guys! I thought the walls are sound proof?" Ken asked. "Uhm... This house is made of wood remember?" I replied.

"Yeah, I totally forgot." With that, he rolled his eyes. "At least someone knows how to have fun." Chloe stated, eyeing me.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I tried to refrain myself from ripping her tongue off her mouth. "Nothing" she replied reluctantly, filing her nails. We heard the door bell and we all turned our gaze to the door.

"I'll get it." Perry stood to his feet, heading to the door while I kept shooting Chloe a murderous glare.

"It's okay." Leroy gently rubbed my hand and I huffed, trying to relax my nerves. Perry walked in, carrying three boxes of pizza. We all dug into it immediately the box hit the table.

"Pass me the milk." I said to Carly who scanned the refrigerator for something to drink.

"Are we doing anything fun today?" Bruce asked, talking with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Annie elbowed him. "Nothing planned out. We can talk all day, see movies at night." Leroy stated.

"Or have picnic in the woods." I suggested. The room fell silent as they contemplated the ideas. After a while, someone spoke.

"That's weird but it sounds like fun." Carly chipped in. "And consume bottles of beer since there's no one to refrain us from doing so." Annie added.

"Yeah, sounds like fun!"They all echoed. Bruce whispered to Annie's ear and I watched her disappear from the kitchen. She walked back to the kitchen smiling mischievously. She placed a rubber spider next to Chloe and she screamed, drawing attention to herself

"You idiot!" She scowled. I was pleased to see her terrified. "Never knew you're this fragile, I thought you're strong as you claim?" I asked, taking a bite of my pepperoni pizza.

"Spare me the lecture Teefunny, even Goliath had a weakness!" She replied reluctantly.

"I never knew you study the Bible."  I mocked.

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