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"Miss, it's time for morning exercise." A nice voice called out. I wrapped myself in my sheets, enjoying my sleep. I was taken aback to be yanked out of bed by Leroy.

"What the hell was that for?" I yelled at him. "It's time for exercise," he said, pulling me behind him

"Wait up, is morning exercise part of our routine?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, yeah Miss, I realized I haven't been working on you for some time now and it's time to get back to work, since it's what I'm being paid to do."

"Psst... So the exercise is just between us?"

"No Miss, the entire family is taking part." Leroy replied, dragging me to the field, to see my family members (sort of), working out.

"This is insane, I've not done this for some time now." I whined, stomping my feet while I walked.

"Don't worry Miss, it'll be part of your routine now." Leroy replied, trailing off to meet the rest of the family. I was so unlucky to be next to my worst nightmare, Chloe. Fudge! I cursed under my breath.

"Oh yeah sweetheart, you're fucked already but then you deserve one from me." She whispered.

"Eew! You're weird." I scrunched my nose in disgust. "Speaking of weird, take a look around Tiffany and tell me who looks weird." She grinned wickedly. I looked round and guess who the weird one was ME. Everyone was looking all sporty while I looked like a piece of shit gotten out of a trash can. Thanks to Leroy for the humiliation.

"Teefunny the weirdo." She cracked into laughter and I look at her like she was crazy, except she is. "Since when did my name become Teefunny?" I mimicked the way she pronounced my name, my ear steaming in anger.

"Uhm... I think this morning, since you look hilarious." Chloe giggled. I made a move towards her but was interrupted by Leroy's voice.

"Okay everyone, let's all get into position, we don't have all day." Leroy stated, quite authoritatively. He led us through the exercise and trust me, it was horrible. How the hell did he expect me to touch my toes with my hand, when I was seated upright. I had a hard time following up with the exercise and please remind me to strangle Chloe for knocking me over severally.

After what seemed like forever of physical torture, Leroy blew the final whistle, signalling the end of the exercise.

"Finally!" everyone chorused, exhausted. I lay on my back, trying to catch my breath before Katherine walked up to me with a bottle of water on her hand.

"Hey," she muttered, as the passed the water to me. "Hi," I replied, taking the water from her.

"Uhm, I was wondering if you could join us at the spa today?" She asked.

"Us?" I asked, confused. "I mean the girls and I, we all decided to all visit the spa today."

"Oh, when was this anonymous meeting held?" I asked, sitting up. She shifted her weight on her other leg, looking uncomfortable.

"Before you got to the field this morning and I'm sorry for not involving you." She said remorsefully. "Yeah, me too Katherine, I'm sorry." I dusted the dirt on my clothes, making an attempt to walk away before she spoke.

"Why, you busy or something?"

"Yeah, I'd be going shopping at noon and won't be back till later." I replied, looking at her briefly before turning my gaze on Leroy who was already heading into the house.

"Oh I see, maybe we could have asked you before deciding on it." She smiled lazily.

"You should have, Katherine." I said, before walking away. I walked into the dinning after taking a hot shower to see everyone having breakfast. They seemed all happy and didn't realize I was missing from their midst. I quietly took a seat next to Perry and allowed the maid standing next to me to pour me a cup of tea.
I sipped my tea quietly, not wanting to join in the conversation that took over the room.

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