Bonding Time

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"Morning," my cousins greeted, as I walked into the dinning room.

"Hey, hope you guys slept well?" I asked, sitting down for breakfast. They nodded without saying a word. I lazily spread peanut butter on my bread, before shoving it into my mouth. Chloe was absent for breakfast and that was unusual because the Chloe I know was a glutton.

"Morning everyone." Chloe greeted in a chirpy tone. She sat next to me, glittering like an Indian bride.
"Speak of the devil and she will appear." I muttered under my breath. Ben and Ken grinned at her, while I shot them an obnoxious look.

"What's this, a makeover for an Indian movie or what?" I asked her. My cousins burst into laughter, leaving her embarrassed. I could see Chloe fume with anger like she was going to explode.
"You look beautiful." Ben complimented her. Chloe grinned, displaying her nice set of teeth, before she turned to me, giving me the middle finger which caused me to roll my eyes at her.

We ate breakfast in silence before Leroy walked in, in a black pants, green hoodie and a nice fluffy slippers. He greeted everyone in the room, before standing next to me. My cousins shot him a puzzled look.

"Are you her bodyguard?"Ken asked in confusion. "Yes, as well as her disciplinarian." Leroy added. K and B turned their gaze to me which made me quite uncomfortable.

"It's nothing much, Dad hired him a while ago." I replied, reluctantly and Chloe scoffed.

"Ya right!" she said, going back to her food and I eyed her. "Why not eat with us." Ben suggested.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea." Leroy replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"Come on, it wouldn't kill you besides, what are friends for?" Ken finished. Leroy nodded, walking over to the other side of the table to seat next to the guys. The room fell silent again but I could feel the tension which hovered around. Leroy avoided my gaze and I did the same.

"Alright, time out! Can someone explain what's going on between you two?" Ken demanded, pointing at Leroy and I.

"Nothing!" We said in unison. I met his eyes and he averted his gaze immediately. "Really?" Ben asked, not buying it.

"Well someone start talking before I lose it." Ken stated sharply. Leroy and I were quiet, probably thinking where to start from. "Mmhm... I'll do the talking for them." Chloe said, swallowing the food in her mouth.

"Shut the hell up." I yelled at her.

"Please stay out of this, Miss Chloe, you've done enough." Leroy begged politely. Chloe put up her hand in total surrender. I heaved a sigh.

"I said some nasty words to him and last night, I hit him." I finished, feeling bad about my action and they all gasped. "You hit him?" Ken inquired. I nodded in shame. They all shifted their gaze to Leroy, shooting him an apologetic look.

"I'm fine," he said, calmly. "Damn! I knew you're crazy." Chloe said, giving me a disapproving nod. "Excuse me? All this wouldn't have happened if you didn't poke your nose where it doesn't fit." I snapped.

"Wait up... What happened?" Ben inquired. "I caught Leroy sneak out of her room yesterday morning." Chloe finished, turning her gaze to Leroy who frowned at her.

"Awesome." Ken commented, fist bumping Ben and I shot them a disapproving look.

"Its not what you think, I'm not screwing Leroy." I stated, trying to defend myself.

"Nothing happened, it's my fault, I slept off in her room while watching over her." Leroy stated.

"Guardian Angel." Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "You're insane." I said, agitated. "Please let's drop it, I'm just her employee and nothing more." Leroy stated, excusing himself from our midst.

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