Getting closer?

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Jades pov*

I finished saying goodbye to my friends and I saw Perrie. Let's go I smiled. "We've got geography next" I frowned.
"I'm actually quite good at it" Perrie said.
" I'm hopeless" I laughed and we approached the room.
Perrie introduced herself to the teacher and he asked if she wanted to sit beside anyone in particular and of course she said 'Jade please'

It was half way through the lesson and thanks to Perrie I understood what was happening for once.
As she was explaining something to me the teacher caught her talking, and forgetting she was the new student, he shouted "Do you think you know what your doing! Why don't you come and explain it to the class!!!"
She replied "sorry sir I was explaining something to my friend."
"Sorry my asre! Get up here now!"
"Ok" she said quietly.

Perries pov*
I got up and went to the front and started going through what I had just told Jade. When I had finished, to my surprise the class gave me a round of applause. Someone even shouted "sir I can understand when she goes through it but not you"
"Shut up!" He yelled
Sit down he glared at me. I didn't have to be asked twice.

After the class finished Jade looked as if she was about to cry and she came over and said "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to get you into trouble"
"It's ok" I reassured her, I kinda liked showing him up if I'm honest." She brightened up as this and laughed.

Last period we had history and nothing eventful happened. I moved beside Perrie and let her copy previous notes. Before the final bell of the day went, I asked Perrie to come to my house to make up for what happened in geography as I still felt really guilty. Her eyes lit up and she replied yes and subtly hugged me as we were siting down.

Jades pov*

I have Perrie a quick hug after she invited me to her house and it felt so good. It gave me this feeling in my stomach- it was good. Then I remembered that my mum said she was bringing me shopping after school, I told Jade and she said not to worry and to just come over when we'd finished shopping.
We swapped phones and typed our numbers in. Then I texted Perrie my address for later.

Perries pov*

The bell went and I promised to text her half an hour before I arrived. Then went to meet my mum who was waiting for me in her car around the corner.

My mum asked me how school was and if I'd met anyone nice. The first word out of my mouth was "Jade Thirwall." She noticed how happy I was at the sound of her name and asked what she's like. I described her and my mum said she sounded perfect. Then I told her about tonight and she was happy that someone had taken I liking to me because of what happened in my last school.

We finished our shopping two hours later and I was exhausted but looking forward to seeing Jade again. I went home and got changed. I rang Jade so see if she wanted me to bring anything, she didn't "just yourself cutie" she said. Followed by "sorry I didn't mean the last word- I was just thinking it"
"It's ok see you in 45" I said
"Bye Pez" the line went dead.
SHR CALLED ME CUTIE!!!! I could of cried with happiness. I suppose she looked quite good aswell, what was I kidding? She was drop dead gorgeous.

Jades pov*

My mum wasn't home but I texted her and told her that a friend was coming over and she was ok with it.
I had a shower and got dressed.

Later the door bell rang and I ran downstairs and opened it to see Perrie standing there in skinny jeans and a hoodie- my god she looked gorgeous!
"Hey Jadey!!" She exclaimed jumping into my arms.
"Hey Pez" I giggled seeing how eager she was.
With Perrie still latched on to me like a koala I kicked the front door shut and walked into the living room.
"Nice house" she says, her breath against my ear making me shiver.
"Thanks" I laugh out.

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