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(Still Jades pov)
"Mam we have something to tell you" I said nervously as we sat at the dinner table that night. She had made us lasagna.
"Yes dear" she replied setting her fork down so she could give us her full attention.
"Me and Perrie are dating" I said grinning and squeezing her hand under the table.
My mum was silent...

I looked up to see her with a tear in her eye.
"Jade I'm so proud of you" she cried.
I let go of Perrie and went round to hug my mam.
She looked at me with filled eyes.
"I love you" she said pulling me into a tighter hug.
Perrie was sitting smiling on her chair when my mam looked up again.
"Common, your family too now" she said wiping her tears and opening her arms for Perrie to join us in our hug.
Perrie gladly accepted my mums offer and gave her a hug.
"Make sure you treat Perrie right" my mam said seriously to me.
"Should it not be the other way around? Should you not be telling her to treat me right?" I laughed.
"Nope your my daughter, so I'll pick on you" she smiled messing up my hair.
"Thanks for accepting us" I said gratefully at my mum.
"I love you regardless" she replied.
"I love you too" I smiled hugging her one last time.
"Cause you love me, can Perrie stay here tonight again?" I asked grinning.
"Yeah but no sex" mum laughed.
"MAM!!!" I shouted embarrassed and hid my head in Perries shoulder.
"Only winding you up love- but seriously..." she said.
"Yeah we get it" I mumbled without looking at her.
We thanked my mum for dinner and went upstairs to my room.
"Baby I'm glad she accepted us" Perrie said and she pressed a soft kiss on my lips.
"Hmmm me too ,but I knew she would" I said kissing her back.
Perrie pulled away smiling.
"Wow" she smiled hiding her head in my neck.
"Yeah, wow" I agreed.
"Are we going to school tomorrow?" Perrie asked tickling my neck with her breath.
"Do you want to?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Nope I wanna stay with you" she giggled.
"Hmmm ok we'll stay off then" I said.
"What about you mum though?" Perrie asked.
"She'll be fine with it" I reassured her.
"Want to FaceTime Leigh and Jesy?" I asked.
"Yeah" Perrie agreed.
"Erm when are we going to tell them about us?" Perrie asked pulling her head out of my neck.
"When do you want to?" I asked.
"Now?" I asked.
"You ready?" Perrie added just to make sure.
"Yeah" I said grabbing her hand and lacing my fingers through hers.
"Ok now it is then" Perrie grinned.
"Will you say it to them?" Perrie asked me and I could feel her hand starting to tremble in my own.
"Of course" I said kissing her forehead to calm her down.
She calmed down but pouted at me. "What?" I smiled at her.
She pointed to her lips and stuck them out. I got the message and pecked her lips before quickly pulling away. Again she pouted, you'll get another one after we call these two muppets" I giggled imagining our two best friends as green frogs (Kermit for those who don't know, from the muppets) We used my phone to call Leigh and Perries phone to call Jesy.

Leigh picked up first, "hey girls" she greeted us.
"Hey lee lee" we both said "We're just waiting for Jesy to pick up" I continued.
"Hi Jesy!" Perrie says from beside me.
"Hi girls" Jesy smiles in the camera.
"Hi Jes" Leigh shouts from my phone.
"Hi Leigh!" Jesy shouted back as loud.
"Shhh you's two, we have the sound up for a reason" Perrie said.
"Wait turn me round more so I can see Jesy too" Leigh says.
"Hang on" I reply getting something to prop my phone against.
"Thanks" Leigh Anne says when I have it set up properly.

"Enjoy your day off?" Jesy asked.
"Yeah we did actually" Perrie grinned lacing our hands together out of sight from the camera.
"How are you feeling Jade?" Leigh Anne asks.
"Better thanks" I smile at them.
"How was school?" I continued wiggling my eyebrows.
"We had that big French test today" Jesy commented rolling her eyes.
"Fun." I said dryly.
"You know it" Jesy replied, "It was awful" she moaned.
"I'm sure you did fine" I giggled.
"Doubt it but anyway moving on" she said.

"Did Dr Edwards take care of you today?" Jesy asked changing the topic.
"Yeah she did" I replied grinning at Perrie.

Perries pov*

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