6- sure?

466 12 2

* Perries pov*

When Jade brought me the ice cream, all I could think about was how good of a girl friend she would be.
Wait I can't have a crush on my best friend can I?
But I'm pretty sure I'm straight?
What would Jade ever think of me if I told her?

Ok Perrie just be cool and don't think how cute she is.

Jade and I finished the project later on that night. Not only did we finish it, but I felt as if we got a lot closer as well. She told me things that I didn't know about her yet and vice versa. I really hope she doesn't leave me as she's such a big part of my life now.

When we saw that the time was half 11 she was alarmed and rushed to get her stuff gathered to go back home.
I refused to let her walk home at this time as there could be pedos wondering the streets at this time. I wouldn't let any of my friends leave at this time but certainly not Jade I felt too protective over her. So I offered to let her stay. I swear her face could of lit up a dark room. She thanked me and wasted no time in informing her mum who was worried about her. After little need for convincing, her mum gladly let her stay and thanked me down the phone for looking out for her daughter. I assured her it was no bother.

I told Jade I was going for a shower and I told her to find herself some clothes to wear to bed. I showed her where to look and left locking the bathroom door behind me. I showered quickly and came out of the bathroom wearing a towel tied just above my breasts.
From the top of the stairs I yelled down to my mum to tell her Jade was staying the night.
I got a muffled "alright sweetie" in response.

I entered my room to see Jade sitting on my bed on her phone.
"Hey pez," she said sending me a genuine smile.
"Hey Jadey," I giggled looking for some clothes.
Soon enough I found a pair of shorts and a hoodie that would do.
I turned round and saw Jade looking at the floor fiddling with her fingers.
"You ok poopey?" I asked concerned.
She jumped a bit before giving me a small smile and nod in response.
I didn't buy it but decided to ask her later.
"Ok well imma get changed, can u turn around?" I said smiling.
"Sure," she said facing the other way.

Jades pov*

It was so hard to refrain my self from turning round to look at her goddess of a body. But I couldn't as I didn't want to jeopardise our friendship.

"Ok I'm done " she said. I turned round and I saw how stunning she looked in shorts and an oversized hoodie.

"Hungry?" She asks checking the time on her phone.

"When am I not not hungry?" I asked laughing.

"Same." Perrie smiled. "Lets go get some food then,"

"Best thing you've said all day" I grinned.

I got up and stood beside her at the door of her room. We stood looking at each other for a while. I got lost in her perfect eyes. She looked away first and dropped her eyes to our hands which were close together but not touching. She glanced a few more times from my eyes to our hands before I got the hint. I laced my hand through hers and smiled like an idiot feeling butterflies in my stomach. I felt like I was paralysed. Perrie also stood there smiling from ear to ear.
"Let's get this food," I said softly gently pulling her with me. We made our way down the stairs and we went through the living room into the kitchen. Perrie's mum was watching tv as we walked passed. Perrie didn't let go of my hand but moved her body slightly so her mum couldn't see us holding hands. We made it into the kitchen and Perrie released my hand and went to look in the fridge and cupboards for food but it was soon apparent that they didn't have anything decent. She disappeared back through the door to the living room, I stayed sitting on the stool in the kitchen knowing she'd return soon. She soon did. She came back in with her phone out.
"Wanna pizza?" She asked hopefully
"Yeah please" I replied smiling.
"What do U want on it?"
"Just cheese"

After Perrie ordered the pizza we went back up to her room. She lifted a bottle of water out of her school bag and took a drink of it before setting it on the table with a distant look in her eye.

"alright Perrie?" I ask standing up to catch her incase she falls over.

"Mmh not really" she replies letting her body rest on mine.

"Common princess, let's get you to your bed" I said. As soon as I realised I said princess my cheeks turned red but I don't think Perrie noticed- thankfully.

I got her to her bed and by feeling her forehead I knew she was too warm. I decided against pulling the covers over her. I went to the bathroom and got a damp cloth and put it over her forehead. I sat down beside her and she shifted herself closer to me resting her head on my knees
"Feeling better?" I asked hopefully
"Hmmm" she hummed with her eyes shut.
Then the doorbell sounded making Perrie flinch.
"I got it" I said hurrying away before they could press it again.
I opened the door and was met by a young woman with our pizza.
"Delivery" she said dryly.
"Here" I said handing the £10 in my hoodie pocket and shut the door before she could say anything else.
I quietly ran back upstairs to Perrie and sat on the bed with the pizza. I let her made herself comfortable and opened the pizza box letting her have the first slice.

20 minutes later and we had finished the pizza throwing the empty box on the floor. Perrie had made herself comfortable leaning on my shoulder. Comfortable enough that she had fallen asleep. Awk bless her she really wasn't feeling well. I flicked the light switch above Perries bed turning the lights off and I gave Perries forehead a quick kiss before drifting to sleep.

Perries pov*

I woke up with my head on jades shoulder. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. I really needed the toilet so I carefully climbed over Jade and went to the bathroom.

When I'd finished I went back into the bedroom and on entering the room I accidentally kicked an empty box making an awful racket. I froze and looked up at Jade hoping I didn't wake her. Just my luck I had.

"Pezzzzz?" A sleepy Jade asked.
"Sorry Jade" I whispered hoping she'd go back to sleep.
"I missssssssss you" she slurred still half asleep.
"Come keep me warm" she mumbled opening the covers for me.
I didn't need a second invitation and I slipped in beside her and felt her heat radiate.
She pressed her body against mine and I felt the butterflies erupt in my stomach.
I looked at jades hand and wished that I could slip my hand through hers. So I did. I gently put my hand through hers and hoped she didn't react.  Thankfully she was already asleep again so didn't react.

"Thank for for being here for me," I said before kissing her cheek and drifting back to sleep.


Exams are done 🎉 can update regularly again.
Sorry it's only 1200 words.

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