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Perries pov*

I woke up with my face inches away from jades gorgeous face. She looked as pretty when she was asleep. Once again I couldn't help but glance in the direction of her lips, I could only dream of finally attaching mine to hers. I noticed that we were still holding hands from last night. I blushed and tried to pull it away hoping Jade hadn't noticed yet seeing as she was asleep.
"Nu-uh" she said in a low morning voice opening her eyes to look at me and reveal her gorgeous orbs.
I blushed darker and tried to hide my face from her.
"Why you trying to hide your face from me silly?" She laughed. 
Instead I rested it on her chest looking away from her so she couldn't see me blush yet again when I felt that she wasn't wearing a bra, but then again she just woke up.
Changing the topic I asked her "how long you been up?"
"A while" she replied starting to self-consciously wind my hair in her fingers.

After a few moments of a comfortable silence I prized myself out of her grip saying that I needed a shower.

"Don't be too long" she dramatically pours pulling her hand on her heart.

"Don't worry baby, I won't" I said playing along as dramatically and even pretending to fake cry for effect.

"Why didn't we take drama class?" She shouted as I walked out of the room into the bathroom.

I just laughed as inside my heart was fluttering from how I called her baby, it felt so right just rolling off my tongue. Ugh I hate having feelings.

A few months later*

"Jesy!! Have you seen Jade today?" I called after her down the school hallway.

"No soz babe" she replies letting me catch up with her so we could walk together.

"Ugh this is Wednesday and she hasn't been in all week, answered any of my calls or responded to my messages. I'm really worried about her Jess."

"Has she saw the messages?" Jesy quizzed me.

"Let me check. No" I confirmed conferring with my phone.

"Why don't you go round after school?" Jesy asked.

"Why me tho and not you or lee? you've known her longer. And she's probably more comfortable telling you what's wrong."

"Now that's where your wrong my darling" Jesy laughs in one of her famous accents.

Before I could open my mouth to question her she cut in

"Ok first of all have you not noticed how protective Jade is over you? Or how she always sits beside you at lunch? Or when she's tired she'll lean on your shoulder? Or how she always smiles like an idiot when you hold her hand? Or the fact that she told you about her being bullied within the first 12 hours of meeting you. She didn't tell me and Leigh for three years. Pez I think that says something about how much she trusts and adores you, please go round and see her after school. "

"I don't need to be told twice." I said

"Well technically you already have..."

"Oh shut up Jessica!" I laughed as I playfully hit her arm.

"Ahahha you love me " she laughed.

"Sure I do" I said sarcastically before walking off to period 4 class as the bell went to signify the end of lunch.

I sat in biology by myself as Jade normally would sit beside me. The class dragged on and I wrote out two sets of notes, one for me and one for Jade. I started to wonder what she was up to and if she was even alright. The bell went and I was looking forward to half 3 so I could go and see Jade. I texted my mum during my next class which was maths and I could of fallen asleep in it as it was so boring. My mum was pretty much alright with me normally being at jades house most of the time and her being at ours the rest of it.

Half three came and I left school with my phone in hand sending Jade a quick text just telling her I was coming round. I honesty wasn't surprised 20 minutes later when I hadn't got a reply. I stopped at the closest shop on my route to Jades house to grab her some biscuits and a bottle of Coke for us to share.

I arrived at her house 10 minutes later and knocked at the door. Her mum answered,
"Hello Perrie love how are you?" She greeted signalling for me to come in.

"Hi Norma I'm good thanks how are you?" I asked in return.
Before she could answer I heard a weak
"Mummmm keep it down" from upstairs.
"Is Jade alright?" I asked instantly recognising her voice and smiling at the angelic sound of it.
"Just hadn't been feeling well recently" she said with sympathy.
"You can go see her if y--" Norma couldn't even finish her sentence before I said a quiet
"Thank you" I said and tried to quietly make my way up the stairs.
"Jadey?" I whispered and softly knocked her door.

Jades pov*

As soon as I heard that voice I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face like a rash.
"Come in" I croaked.
I saw my blon-- I mean Perrie, peek her head around the door and she smiled when she met my eyes.

"Hi buba" she beamed.
I grimaced
"Sorry" she whispered, "headache?"
"Yeah and throwing up every 45 minutes" I added moving over on the bed to make room for Perrie.

She embraced the invite and propped herself at the side of my bed.
"Lie down so I can have a cuddle" I pouted.
"Only cause it's you" she smiled kicking her shoes off and lying on the bed beside me.
Automatically I rested my head on her shoulder and and placed my hand on her stomach.

"I missed you" she admitted after a while.
"I missed you too" I smiled without opening my eyes.
We say for ages in a comfortable silence, content with each other.

Soon I heard light snores beside me. With great effort I pushed myself up onto my elbows and pressed a soft kiss on Perries forehead. With that I flopped back down and cuddled back into her side. Seconds later I heard my mum coming and I pretended to be asleep so she couldn't lecture me about not eating all day. She opened the door and I heard her "aww" at how cute we were together. Which made my smile into Perries neck, luckily she couldn't see my face. The next bit made my heart skip a beat.
"Can you's please ask each other out yet?"
My breath hitched and I had to cover it up with a cough, still pretending to be asleep I lifted my head with my eyes shut and coughed over my shoulder away from Perrie then I collapsed back into my position and then pretended to drift back asleep.
My mum shut the door and I couldn't get her words out of my head
   "Can you's please ask each other out yet?"
I thought about her words carefully, would I like to date Perrie? Do I love her?
An: I kinda forgot about this book 😬 and OMG people aren't appreciating stormzy's rap in power enough 🔥🔥

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