3- jelous?

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Perries pov*

When Jade kissed my cheek I felt all the butterflies erupt in my stomach, it was the best thing I've ever felt. I wish I could tell her how I feel about her. I've only known her for a day, but I know I'm falling for her and falling fast.

We ate the pizza while just enjoying each other's company. One of the things that I adored most about Jade is that we could sit in silence and it wouldn't be awkward.

About half an hour later Jades mum came home. Jade jumped up from beside me on the sofa and gave her a hug. Her mum asked "is this your girlfr-" she was cut off by Jade hurriedly saying "this is Perrie my new friend and try not to creep her out before she goes home tomorrow morning." We all laughed and Jades mum went upstairs to her bedroom. 

All I could think about was that Jades mum asked her if I was her girlfriend. does this mean Jade likes girls? I really wanted to ask her but I didn't want to put her off liking me as a friend if it didn't work out. To be honest I'd love to be able to call her mine, she  was so precious.

Jades  pov*

I gave Perrie a pair of my shorts and a shirt to sleep  in as she didn't have any pj's.
We watched more Tv and talked about our family's a bit then Perrie excused her self to use the bathroom. My head felt really sore from watching Tv practically all afternoon so u turned the Tv off and  I rested my head on a pillow and shut my eyes waiting for Perrie to come back.

Perries pov*

I came back down from the bathroom and found Jade asleep on the sofa, she looked so adorable.
I decided to tuck her in so I grabbed the nearest blanket and I smiled to myself as it saw it had Disney characters on it.
I grabbed the other blanket for myself and settled on the other sofa. Within 5 minutes I was fast asleep.

Jades pov*

I woke up and I was freezing. I looked around my living room and I saw Perrie fast asleep on the other sofa. I smiled to myself at how cute she was all cuddled up with my blanket.
I sat up, perhaps a bit too fast, and I felt my head spin. I headed for the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I drank my water and instead of going back to my sofa I found myself at Perries chair. I gently poked her and she stirred. I told her I wasn't feeling well and she was still sleeping but she lifted the covers off herself slightly, signaling for me to join her. With out hesitation I lay down beside her and as it wasn't the largest sofa in the word our bodies pressed together so one of us wouldn't fall out. I felt her arm fall over my stomach and she protectively held me close to her body. I whispered 'night' and with that I fell asleep.

Perries pov*

I woke up the next morning and soon remembered that I wasn't in my bedroom and that I was in Jades house. The next thing I noticed was that the brunette was asleep just centimetres away from my face. I couldn't help but look at her lips, I wondered what it would be like to kiss them... snap out of it I thought to myself as I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

A few minutes later she woke up "mornin' gorgeous" she giggled.
I just smiled at her since I wasn't really a morning person.
"Hungry?" She asked, still not moving on the chair.
"You bet" I said winking at her.
"Well I'm starving so I'm going to make pancakes" she grinned happily at the thought.
"Right, Jade as comfortable as I am here I need to pee" I said lightly rubbing my stomach.
With that she seemed satisfied and stood up to let me off the sofa.  I ran upstairs and used the bathroom.
When I was coming down I could hear someone singing in the kitchen, I obviously knew it was Jade as I'd heard her voice yesterday in school, but I was still in awe as it was flawless. I entered the kitchen and went up behind her and put my chin on her shoulder watching her made the pancakes. She jumper slightly but then relaxed and shot my a cheeky smile. What happened next surprised me slightly. Jade turned round and placed her hands around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and I can say it was the best hug I think I've ever had. She pulled back and turned away apologising.
"Can we do it again?" I asked shyly as it didn't last nearly as long as I wanted it to.
"Yeah of course" she giggled and wrapped her arms round me again.
I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck. I longed to be able to get used this, just without having to ask her for a hug.
One of her arms were firmly around my waist as she help me protectively and the other started to draw small circles on my back. It gave me a shiver and she must of noticed as she pulled away and gave me a questioning look. I just shook it off as she leant her forehead against mine with both arms now securely holding me close.
My eyes quickly darted to her lips then I just shut my eyes realising it was never going to happen.

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