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An: Sorry these are getting shorter- my bad 😬)  and please leave a comment at the end cause idk if anyone likes this or not
(Still jades pov*)

"Ok try again" I said gently and held her delicate hand in mine.
After one final deep breath she said "umm at my last school I kinda liked someone, like a lot- then someone else came into the picture and they left me started blanking me out 24/7 and I lost them. They turned into something completely different."

"That's awful" I said pulling her into my chest to hug her. After a moment to struggled out and tried to continue.

"T-t-t-then" she stuttered again.

"Shhhhh you can tell me later. It's ok I'll wait." I whispered keeping my voice low as she was vulnerable.

"No I have to do this" she said confidently.

I nodded in response.

"You have to promise, no swear on your life you will never, ever tell anyone understand?"

"I swear" I said taking her hands again.

"Ok" she breathed out.
"Well after this person blanked me out, I tried for a while to get them back. But it was no use. Then my whole year was invited to a party-yes even me the girl who everyone bullied. I didn't really want to go if I was being honest, but I was convinced by someone that it might be my absolute last chance to get them back. So I went anyway. Biggest mistake I've ever made. Well everything was alright until I was leaving the house at about half 11. As I made my way out of the door" she stopped and took a breath.

" I was gang rapped." She said it. I could barely make her out. But I heard it.

Before I could react she was in complete hysterics crying in my shoulder. I honestly didn't know how to react but I knew that I had to comfort her and calm her down.

Perries pov*

I had just told my biggest secret to Jade. But at this point I didn't care, actually I cared a bit too much for Jade If i was being honest. When I told her I half expected her to call me a slut and run around telling half of the school. But the other half of me knew that this was the Jade that I had came to know trust, and perhaps maybe, possibly, even love?

She sat with my while I cried my lamps out ( lol getting in the Ni slang there, anyway on with the story...)

She tried whispering reassuring words to me but i was way beyond breaking point. I bawled my eyes out (lmao soz more N.I slang) for a good 40 minutes, I just couldn't stop. The whole time Jade had me on her knee and tried to calm me down. 

By the time i was was ready to face other people again the bell sounded for break. Jade stood up and held out a hand to help me up. I took it, wishing that I could hold it all day any day with her holding mine as well. Her hands were so soft and our hands actually fitted well together.

Jades pov*

As soon as Perrie touched my hand I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. How does she have this effect on me.
After we both stood up we went for the door in a comfortable silence until the beautiful blond spoke up. "Jadey, please don't tell anyone about...." her voice trailed off.
"I won't I promise." I said to her placing a gentile kiss on her forehead. I don't know what come over me but it just seemed like the perfect time to do it as I've been thinking about it for a while now. As soon as I realised what I did I was a bit embarrassed but I played it cool and gave her a smile and unlocked the bathroom door and held it open for her.
I let us to our lockers to get something to eat for break. As I opened my locker I realised that I'd forgotten my break. I heard Perrie sigh and close her locker which was beside mine.
"Forget yours as well?" I laughed lightly.
"Yeah" she giggled.
"Canteen it is then, common" I said smiling.
Perrie bounced along happily beside me and chatted about our music class later in the day.

Perries pov*

As I skipped alone beside Jade I had a very weird desire to hold her hand....
"Knock it off" I said to myself.

As we arrived at the canteen I spotted Leigh Anne, Jesy and some of the boys sitting at a table at the far end of the room beside where the food was being served. Jade and I rushed to get any remaining food as break was over half over.
Jade grabbed a packet of crisps and I grabbed an apple. We paid and joined out friends at the table. On the way there someone stopped Jade so I continued making my way to the table. Jesy saw me and smiled embracing me in a hug. Everyone else greeted me  as well. Jesy opened her mouth as to say something as she was staring longingly at Jade but seemed to think better of it deciding to join in on ariana's debate about the rainforest and flashing me a smile in the process.
After what  seemed like hours but in reality was only about three minutes the brunette returned to my side, deciding to ignore the free seat beside Jordan and squeeze in beside me. When I was sure that everyone else was engrossed I'm a conversation I turned to her and asked what that guy wanted. She replied with "emm homework" I didn't buy it but she clearly didn't want to tell me so I left it.

The bell went to signify the end of break and to my relief Jade and I both had a free period next. We left the canteen together and climbed the stairs to the library. We found a quite corner at the back and brought out our books to 'study'. I had a history book while Jade read a biology book. Then one of the guys from the football team approached us looking directly at Jade. He stopped at our table as expected and spoke to Jade.
Jade stood up so she was at his level.
"Wanna go on a date this Friday? He asked hopefully.

An: of you need any of the 'N.I slang' translated comment below and tell me which one. Also where r ya all from? I'm from Northern Ireland, surprise surprise 😂
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