Messing with feelings.

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Don't get me wrong he seemed like a nice guy. He was quite tall with messy blond hair and pretty green eyes. But I hoped beyond belief that Jade would turn him down
Thankfully she did, but not the way I expected...
"Sorry Nathan, I bat for the other team actually"
"O-o-ok sorry" he stuttered clearly finding this awkward.
"No probs N. but if I was straight it would definitely be a yes" she said smiling a little. "Also keep you head up lad, I know plenty of girls who would love a date with you" she said sweetly before turning round and planting herself back down on the chair and sighing out.
"Poor guy. He's had a crush on me for ages and when he finally plucks up the courage to ask me out, I reject him." She says a bit embarrassed.

"Don't be sorry, just because he likes you and you don't like him" I said holding her hands to make her look at me.

Jades pov*

As soon as Perrie touches my hand my head jerks up and I am instantly smiling at her.
"Thanks Pez" I say gently rubbing her hand with my thumb.
"No problem baba" she says smiling.
I smile at the new nickname, hoping that it somehow brought me closer to her. The rest of the period we just talked quietly between ourselves.
Finally the lunch bell sounded and Perrie and I rushed to our lockers to leave our bags there for lunch. We met the rest of the group at the canteen and as it was a nice day we decided that we would get sandwiches and eat them outside.
We all selected our sandwiches and found a nice grassy place to sit under a tree.  Perrie sat beside me and I couldn't help but look at her toned legs. She must of caught me staring as her goddess of a voice spoke up
"Alright Jadey?"
"Yeah I'm good" I reassured her.
We ate our lunch and we talked about teachers that annoyed us. That was a rather interesting conversation.
The bell sounded all to soon and what made it worst was that me and Perrie wouldn't see each other until second last period. She gave me a quick hug and ran off with Jesy to their French class. I made my way to art, by myself.

I sat down at my art desk at the back of the room.  And spread my art folder across the whole desk, indicating that I didn't want anyone to sit beside me.  But knowing my luck someone did. Saying that it was only Nathan, the guy I turned down earlier- yeah totally not awkward. He sent me an apologetic look and mouthed
" only seat"
I just nodded at him and put my file on the floor.
The teacher came rushing in, late as usual and told us that are assignment for today was to draw something that meant a great deal to us and that it wouldn't be presented to the class so it needed to be as personal as possible. Also that it would go towards our final mark.  I put my earphones in and thought about what to draw. The only thing that came to my mind was Perrie. I couldn't draw her tho that wouldn't be right. So I thought deeper, how does she make me feel? That got the ball rolling. After 45 minutes of thinking about the blond and 15 of actually drawing I hate came up with (a larger version of) this.

(^^From my ig fan page, which I'm taking a longish break from)

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(^^From my ig fan page, which I'm taking a longish break from)

Nathan got my attention and he asked what I drew. I held up the page and he liked it a lot. I returned the question and he showed me his. Amazing was an understatement.

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