Chapter 21

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'Loverboy, you play those hearts like toys. Don't you feel bad? Dont you feel bad, bad for them? This is your night with arms wide open.' - You Me at Six, Loverboy

Folding my arms, my eyes burned into the small plastic ball sat on the coffee table before me. Running a nervous hand through my hair I chewed viciously at my nail- reaching forward then pulling my hand back.
It wasn't just a ball, of course. Inside the ball was 100 dollars worth of cocaine. I'd held it for years for Jane after her relapse- she thought it had been a bump down from heroin but when she couldn't figure out how to use it and realised the thought of it going up her nose grossed her out, she'd let me take it from her.
"I'll throw it the trash" I told her.
Any ex-junkie wouldn't throw that much gear away, and I was no exception. Heroin, of course was different.

Did cocaine have a sell by date?

Itching my nose, I rooted through my purse and pulled out a dollar bill, rolling it up between my chipped fingers, crumpling it up almost instantly after I'd done it. Grabbing the ball, I stood up and stalked towards the bathroom. Holding the ball over the toilet, I jumped at a pounding on the front door. Stuffing the ball into the top section of the basin, I smoothed out my hair and made my way through the living room, peeping through the curtains- and instantly scolded myself for pretending that I wasnt home.

Securing the chain latch on the door, I opened it and glared at Danny.

"What the hell do you want. Are you here to steal my cat, too?" I squinted my eyes.

"I- I made a mistake baby. I'm coming home." He rested his hand on the side of the door, his eyes wide and glassy with tears.

"I wouldnt bother. I'm still heartless and I'm still a slut as you so gracefully put it." I exclaimed bluntly, about to close the door as he shoved his foot in the way.

"Come on Mils, we were so good together baby..."

"I take it Jersey Shore dumped your sorry ass, hm?" I raised my eyebrows and folded my arms.

"She was nothing, she means nothing to me baby I was just so lonely and you were doing so many hours at the fast food place-" he rambled as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I got lonely too but I wasn't about to have a lesbian affair with Cynthia!"

"I just think if we spend more time together and concentrate on just us we can really sort this out..." he shrugged, hands in the air.

"Okay... yeah you know what...your right" I nodded, closing the door to unlatch it- I walked out of my house into the boiling heat.

"This house? I paid... how much of the mortgage? 95% while you were sat on your fat ass all day? So I guess I owe you...." walking forward, I slid a hanging tile from the low roof and handed it to him.

"I guess this is your share. Consider us sorted." Turning around, I began to walk back into the house as I heard a whimper. Was the bitch crying?

"I have nowhere to go, Mila. Nowhere to stay."

"Aw Danny... too bad you have nowhere to put your dick now either..." I retorted, making a rectangle over my crotch.

"Why are you being like this? Is it a guy? What's wrong with you?" He spat, the anger was boiling up behind his eyes.

"Whats wrong with me is that I come home from work to see my boyfriend screwing some slut and he expects to just come and fall back into my arms, you know me. You know I wouldn't put up with that shit." I snapped, poking my finger in his hardened chest.

"She isnt the only slut around these parts, Mila. Who you banging now? Hm? Couldn't wait two weeks until you were on top of someone else!"

"Oh, as apposed to not waiting and doing it during a relationship?"

"He bothering you, Mila?" A gruff voice sounded, I hadnt even noticed that Jesse had strolled up the pathway and to the porch.

"Is this him? Hm? This little streak of piss?!" Danny turned around, a good ten inches taller than Jesse who looked up at him idly, hands in his pockets slowly chewing gum.

"Little streak of what?"

"Danny, shut up- Jesse, I'm fine. Go home." I rolled my eyes, I knew both of these men inside and out and I only knew it would end in a brawl.

"Jesse. Jesse Pinkman. Your ex?" Danny frowned, turning back to me.

"No my goddamn attorney, yes my ex you idiot he just moved in over the road he didnt know I lived here."

"You crawl back to the guy that turned you into a junkie but not the guy of your damn dreams who made a mistake?!"

"Guy of your damn dreams?" Jesse let out a muffled laugh.

"You think thats funny you piece of shit? You say the word man, your veins wont be the only thing collapsing." Danny pushed him slightly, yet Jesse still looked unfazed.

"Already collapsed in the arms. I inject my gear into my asshole or my sack now. Wanna come back to mine and give me a hand?" Jesse exclaimed sarcastically, as Dannys fist connected with his nose, Jesse falling to the floor.

"DANNY NO-" I grabbed hold of him as he lunged for Jesse a second time, pushing me backwards so roughly I slammed onto the hard concrete.

"HEY! HEY-" came a yell from down the street- one of Agent Shrader's entourage who had been surveying the area was running towards us, hand in his holster.

"Im not finished here-" Danny grunted, glaring at me before taking off down the road, the agent running after him.


I'm so sorry with the wait for this chapter but my life is so hectic right now its super difficult to find time and create content I'm actually happy with posting! Thanks to all of the likes and lovely comments I've been recieving whilst I've been away. I'm gonna try and get the next chapter uploaded at some point this week and hopefully get into a more regular uploading schedule. Thanks again! ~Cat.

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