Chapter 23

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"You can shed tears that she is gone, or you can smile because she lived..." I drowned out Mr Margolis' voice as my eyes bored into the wooden coffin that was now placed into the neatly dug rectangle in the ground.

She wouldnt have been there if it hadnt had been for me, if I had just turned her over I could have saved her. But I was greedy and I needed the money. I went with Mr Whites instincts instead of my own. Looking around- my stomach churned at each face distorted with grief. This was all my fault.

When he had finally stopped talking, he began to hand out single white roses. Jane would have hated it, she always said roses were clichè.

Taking one from him, his eyes caught mine for a split second- before moving on to the woman next to me. My fist started to curl tighter and tigher around the stem, until Jesse who was stood next to me in a baggy white shirt and loose black tie grabbed my hand.

"Mila, stop your hurting yourself." I looked down to my fist dripping in blood from the thorns that had been left in the flowers. Now thats what Jane would have liked.

"Oh- wow, uhm. Ouch..." I hissed, the pain suddenly searing through my hand. The red stained my palms and the white petals of the rose.

One by one, each person walked forward to drop their rose into the coffin- until it was my turn.

Strolling up, my eyes bored into the coffin. Jane was beautiful, she was funny, she was a great listener. But she was also selfish, reckless and destructive. Chewing my lip, I dropped the blood stained rose onto the coffin and walked away, past the 'grieving' relatives who hadn't seen her in near enough a decade. Past the 'friends' she had never mentioned or had even stopped by the house once. Finally, I passed Jesse- who attempted to interlock his fingers with mine, but just ended up with a bloody, rejected palm.

Squinting, I noticed a car in the distance, parked among the tombstones- I was so sure that it hasn't come with us. The windows were tinted, and the wheels looked like those you'd find on monster trucks on the tv. Continuing to walk, I averted left and began to make my way to my own car.

"Are you not coming to the wake, Mila?" Mr Margolis asked curiously, his brow furrowed.

"Oh um, no. Work was... awkward about me getting the time off. I'm really sorry. I have to go." I glanced behind my shoulder again, the car was gone.

"I'm sorry if this is... too soon, but you were close with my daughter yes? Neighbours?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah I would say so."

"You'd tell me if you knew anything surrounding her death wouldn't you? Anything at all?" He folded his arms.

"Anything. Of course, anything..." my voice trailed off as I swallowed hard.

"Goodbye, Mila." He nodded, before strolling off back to the small throng of people stood around the grave.

"Need a ride?" I called to Jesse, who was awkwardly placed with hands in his pockets as I was met with a cheesy smile.


So... I'm sorta back? Maybe?
It's been like three years since I updated this story and I've had so many lovely comments and votes- so for that I thank you! Life is super different now and I'm very busy but when I have the time I'm going to try my best to update these chapters for everyone! I'm a bit rusty with the whole writing thing too, but I'll try my best. I have quite a few chapters pre written that I can put out within the next few weeks so look out for those. Like I said I can't promise regular uploads but I'll try :)
~ Cat x

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