Chapter 25

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"Who are they M?" I shook my head in disbelief as Jesse paced the living room, running a hand over his head.

"I don't know." I shrugged, my forehead ached with all the frowning I'd done that day. I was starting to think I'd stick like that if life carried on the way it was.

"You owe people money? Anything? Think Mila."

"Ever since... y'know, I've been as straight with people as I can. I KNOW I don't owe anybody money."

"What about the asshole. What's his name.." Jesse threw his hand in the air.

"Danny? No. Danny is a grade A asshole but he wouldn't send people after me. He isn't like that. Besides he came here the other day. Well I'm assuming it was him his stuff was gone. Everything here is mine." I tucked my knees under my chin.

"Well you can't stay here." Jesse sat down opposite me, fingers laced together in worry.

"What? Why-"

"Mila they knew you were at the funeral today. They know where you work. Odds are they know you live here." He lowered his voice, almost as if the lurker was going to jump out from underneath the sofa.

"My friend and my tenant have died in the last month Jess. If I go missing and sell the house do you not think that's a little suspicious? Schrader is already up my ass. I can't go missing."

"Who says you have to go missing?" Jesse shrugged.

"Well.. where would I go other than here?" I frowned.

"I bought a house. A big house. My parents' actually on the other side of town." Jesse looked away, chewing on his lip.

"You bought a house? How the f-"

"Keep it on a no questions basis and I'll keep you there rent free until this all dies down how about that?" He raised his eyebrows.

"What if I don't wanna live with you. You stink."

"Shut your whore mouth and come check it out."


"Jesus... it's huge Jess." I ran my hand over the worn wall.

"Not heard that in a long time-"

"Shut up." I chuckled, punching his arm lightly.

"I won't ask how you bought it but.. why?" I strolled around the empty downstairs, in which I assumed would be the living area.

"Why what?" He tucked his hands in his pockets and leant against the wall.

"Why did you stay across the street if you had all this?" I raised my hands in the air in disbelief.

"Believe it or not the view is a lot better there than it is here." He smiled lightly as I felt my cheeks redden.

"Hm.." I mumbled awkwardly, peering out of the window.

"This is like, a forever home huh?"

"It's more just to spite my parents. Gets a little lonely I was gonna rent it out or something I don't know. Maybe if someone else was here I wouldn't but uh... yeah."

"Is that your weird and twisted way of asking me to sell up and live here with you?" I chuckled.

"Would you? Live here?" His eyes didn't leave mine.

"I uh, I mean, Jess.." I stammered as he began to stroll towards me.

My hands began recoiling and suddenly I didn't know how to use my limbs.

"C-Can Salem stay here?" I stammered, itching my head awkwardly.

"God I forgot how beautiful you are." He whispered, running a calloused finger over my bottom lip.

Warmth pooled in the pit of my stomach as I felt my eyes close and face melt into his touch.

"Jesse..." I sighed.


I'm not even sorry for keeping you all on this cliffhanger. I hope you're all still interested and enjoying, please let me know! Thank you :)
~ Cat.

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