Chapter 27

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I chewed the skin around my nails as I watched the large white van pull up outside of Jesse's house.

After the row, Jesse didn't let me leave. He'd made a couple of phone calls and blew up a second air bed. He'd made up a small bag for me back at mine- god knows why the boy thought a kitchen whisk was a necessity.

Walking to the door, I smiled as Combo climbed out, his arms outstretched.

"Hey Com." I smiled as he pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"How you been M?"

"Y'know." I shrugged with a smile, "Better."

"You? How's your ma?" I asked, wheezing as I dragged out one of the boxes from the now open back, Combo reaching out to help as I refused. Inde-fucking-pendent woman.

"She's aight. Little wacky. With the uh- the brain thing."

What Combo was trying to describe was dementia, but I wasn't about to roast the kid for his deteriorating mother.

"Man I'm sorry about that."

"No blow. So, you and Jess huh? You back on? It'll be nice to have you round again." I smiled at Skinny Pete who climbed out of the front seat- throwing his phone onto the passenger side.

"N-no-" I tried to acknowledge him as Pete came over with a large grin.


He was never one of my favourites.

"How's it been hanging lil mama?" He smiled, revealing a crooked line of yellow teeth.

"Good. You?"

"Y'know. The slammer and what not." He shrugged, tucking his hands into low pockets.

"Hot." I exclaimed sarcastically as he nudged Combo.

"She always wanted me." He winked.

"Me and Jesse are not back on. But I need somewhere to stay and he's letting me crash." I glanced around, silently kicking myself for declining their offer of bringing me my couch.

"Well, we brought your little amigo." Skinny Pete carefully brought out Salem's cat carrier and I literally felt my heart grow in size.

"Oh my baby!" I squealed, dumping the box on the floor and taking the carrier from him.

"Come and see your new home buddy!" As I reached to open up the cage, I screamed and fell back onto my ass with a thump.


"What's going on?!" Jesse yelled, trotting down the stairs.

"Salem is a cat you fucking degenerate." I looked up at him in horror.

"That's a cat ain't it?" The boys crouched around me and peered into the cage.

"You should have ended up on your Ma's stomach you know that SP?" Jesse shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Dude how did you get a raccoon in there?"

"What um. What do you want for dinner?" Jesse asked awkwardly, as I rooted around in one of the boxes, the now retrieved Salem on my lap. The disposal of the raccoon may I add was not smooth nor easy.

"Anything. I don't mind. You pick." I shrugged, not making eye contact.

"That thing isn't gonna shit anywhere is it?" Jesse cocked his head to the side, analysing Salem.

"No he's an outdoor cat. If he does anything- which he won't, I'll handle it. He's my responsibility." Running a hand over his back, "He'll be a little unsettled in the new place but he should be fine."

"He made a pretty good mess of Skinny Pete's face..." Jesse cautiously backed off as Salem let out a warbled meow, pushing his face into my hand.

"He senses assholes."

"Ill keep my distance then." He smiled softly, crouching down as Salem trotted over and began to purr.

Furry little fucking traitor.

"I think you're okay."

"So, dinner. Wanna order in? Well. We kinda have to unless you want ramen." Jesse glanced at me, before ruffling the cats head one last time and standing up.


"Chinese still your favourite?"

"You remembered." I smirked.

"I've got a menu somewhere." He turned to walk away- "Jesse?"


"Thank you for letting me stay. You didn't have to do that and well... just thank you for keeping me safe." I smiled.

Without a word, he nodded.

This is only a filler chapter I know, but please let me know do we want an update on just general Jesse/Mila cuteness next or some plot?? Please let me know :)
I have literally nothing to do right now because of the whole coronavirus thing, so I'll be uploading a lot more.
Please stay safe and wash your hands dolls! ❤️
~ Cat.

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