Number 1: My photograph.

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My name is Azeala, and I take pictures. Lots, and lots of pictures. I have a lazy, but girly style. This means baggy sweatshirts, high waisted skirts and shorts, knee socks, and combat boots. I love watching Disney, even though I am fifteen years old. My jobs are school, babysitting, and working at this cute little cofee shop at the end of the road. I met one of my best freinds there. Her name is Kylie. We started on the same day, and we ended up making a giant mess, but we got to keep our jobs. We are the best of freinds, but we are one of the weirdest poeple on the planet. I love photagraphy. I have been in photoshoots, and been the one taking the pictures. It's a hobby of mine. My photos are almost always a girl in a huge princess ball gown in a feild, by a waterfall, in the rain, in a tree looking at a river, etcetra. I love almost all of them.

My favorite show on Disney would have to be Good Luck Charlie. That's my little sister's favorite too. Bradley is soooooo hot. Me and Kylie fangirl over him and Leonardo DeCaprio. We love The Great Gatsby and Titanic because of this.

When I meet new poeple, I'm not the best. I take a picture of every person I have encountered and kept in touch with. I have an entire box just for celeberties. I have Brigit Mendler, Shane Harper, all of R5, Bella Thorne, Zendaya Coleman, Taylor Swift, etc, etc. i'm waiting to meet Bradley. Omigod, that will be the best day ever.

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