May I Have This Dance?

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Azalea’s POV:

We were outside the doors. I was on Bradley’s arm, and Kylie was on Jason as we walk behind Lucas waiting to enter the castle-like building. It was getting dark outside, but it was the kind were you just want to run around, not go to sleep. It was the energizing time of night. Bradley leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“I’ll try my best not to kill any guy who looks at you. None of them are good enough for a friend of mine.”

“You consider me a friend?”

“Yeah. You shared your biggest secret with me. I would call that friendship.”

“Same here.”

He smiles down at me, since he was a couple inches taller. We walk in, and the ballroom is dimly lit with golden shades of light, like a candle glow spread across a dark room. There was a mixture of comforting smells, like roses and champagne. The whole mood was glued together by the sounds of a classical piano and the light chatter of other adults surrounding the room in little clutters. There was a dance floor out back, with a DJ, and inside there were tables, a bar, and a buffet in the corner of the room. There were couches and chairs on the balcony, with a telescope, and some coffee tables as well. And throughout the room, were long glass windows, giving the outside world a chance to peek in, and show everyone it’s beautiful starts to complete the setting.

“I think this is the best venue yet, Dad #2!”

“You know what, I think so too. Our table is number 4, eat whenever you want, but we leave at one am. Be at the table by 12:45. And be safe. Got it?”

“Got it.” We all said in unison.

“Okay. I now set you loose.”  

I take Bradley’s arm, and as fast as I could in my dress, I pulled him outside.

“Slow down! You’re going to rip my arm off!”

I laugh, let go, but still go at the speed I was going.

“Where are we going?”

“I was riding my bike one day, and I saw a perfect place for a picture, and I thought I would show it to you.”


“It’s too dark to take a picture, but I can take one later, when someone wants to model for me.”

“Bridget has been wanting to find a photographer! You can talk to her if you want. And I didn’t know you where into photography.”

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

“Is there any chance I’ll ever find out?”

“Well, all we have to do is go back to the venue, and you can ask.”

“Why not here?”

“Because it’s freezing, and we aren’t supposed to be here, and it’s dark.”

He chuckles at me. “Come on then.”

He gives me his suit jacket, and it smelled deliciously smelled like him, like in the cliché movies and books. As we get closer to the venue, there was a group of boys, staring at me, and looking at me up and down. Suddenly, my dad’s face replaced their own. I could’ve fainted where I stood. Bradley noticed, and put his arm around me and led me away from them. We get inside, and I flop on one of the couches.

“Do you want anything?” He looked at me with real concern in his big, brown orbs, staring into mine. I shook my head. He sat down next to me, and said something I wasn’t expecting.

Call Me Sometime, a Bradley Steven Perry Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now