The Salt Story.

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Azeala's POV?:

"Ay, yo A! Wake up dipshit!" I roll over and groan at her. I stuff my head in my pillow as she continues to shout and jump on me.

"I ain't no dipshit, now get your fat ass off of me!"

"Only if you wake up."

"UUUUGGGHHHHH! You're the real dipshit here."

"I know, now wake up. I set out your crap."

"Haha. Thanks. Did you have a lot of salt today?" She has the worst laugh attack, so I take the oppourtunity to push her off of me, and onto the floor. She keeps laughing and curls in a ball, shaking uncontrollably. I chuckle at the memory...

~Flashback to 4 months ago, when you guys just became freinds.~

I'm at my first sleepover with Kylie. We just got done watching The Notebook, and suddenly, Kylie starts running in circles around the couch screaming and laughing at the same time, with a bag of potatoe chips in her hand. I start laughing.

"What the hell are in those?"

She stops running, and stares at the label, completely dead faced. After a few seconds, she turns her head towards you, still dead faced.

"It has salt."

We both stare at each other for a couple seconds, and that’s when hell broke loose. You both started laughing so hard, you were in balls on the floor, shaking, and you couldn't breathe.

~End of flashback. Back to the present. doodaloo, doodaloo, doodaloo~

By, this time, I was done with my makeup (mascara, concealer, mineral powder, and some lip balm), with my uniform on, and my hair in a messy bun. Kylie had her stuff on already, so I grab my phone and keys, and head out the door. Kylie and I take her car, because she is 16 and has her license. She teases me all the time, but we both know she is joking. When we get to Starbucks, (that's where we work...) we buy ourselves an iced Frappuccino before our shift starts. She had her feet on the counter, taking small sips of her Frappuccino while talking to me about this guy she met the other day.

“OMG, HE WAS SO CUTE! He had blonde hair, kind of a Bieber-flop, and he was reeeaaallyy tall!”

I giggle, because whenever she described her dream guy, he would have blonde hair, and he was tall.

“What was his name?”

She sighs, and says in a day-dreamy voice, “Jason.” I almost die laughing at the coincidence. Jason was the name of her fake boyfriend.


“Not at all!”

“Oh my god.”

“What? Oh….”

“It’s our first customer. He is hottt! Dang.”

I stare at the guy outside the door, and he was talking, and laughing with a tall blonde-haired boy. Kylie’s eyes where bulging out of her head.

“What’s your problem?” I said, still not taking my eyes off of the dark haired boy talking to the blonde haired boy.


“Please don’t.” I say, rolling my eyes.

“Hey, wait, you know that show we watched at our first sleepover? Good Luck Charlie or something like that?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“I think they are 2 of the actors.” And as they came inside the shop, I realized they were.

The brunette spoke first. “Hey, can I get a medium iced light roast, no cream?”

I finally found my voice. I had to do my job. “Of course. What’s the name for the cup?”

He looked surprised. “Bradley S. Perry.”

“OK, one iced light roast, no cream coming up.” I go to the machines, and quickly make the order, while Kylie was taking Jason’s order. I finished, and took the coffee over to Bradley. “Here you go. That will be $1.20.” He smiled at me, and gave me $2.00, and an extra slip of paper.

“Keep the change. And pay close attention to that slip of paper.” He smirks and winks at me, and then he and Jason are out the door. I looked at the paper, and there was and address, a signature, and a phone number. And I flipped it over, and there was a time on it. 5:00 pm. I looked at the address again, trying to figure out where it was. Then I saw something that I didn’t see before. “Studio 5, Room 4. Disney.”The Good Luck Charlie set address and Bradley’s phone number was in my hand.

I showed it to Kylie, and she showed me the exact same but with a different room number and Jason's signature and phone number. We both looked at each other, screamed until our voices started cracking, and then laughed and started jumping around like kagaroos on steroids. We heard laughter from outside. We stopped jumping, and looked out of the glass doors. Bradley and Jason where still there, laughing at us. We both blushed, and hid behind the counter. We looked up after 30 seconds, and they where gone. We each took deep breaths, and got back to our jobs. I was going to go to the set, and so was Kylie. Our shifts are done at 3, so we had 7 more hours to go. Ugh. But it will be worth the wait.

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