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Kylie and I removed our makeup, showered, charged our phones, and changed into our pajamas. We made popcorn, and watched the Titanic. We scream at the part where Jack draws Rose, and the camera zooms in in his eyes.

“I swear to Lord Jesus, he has the best eyes EVERR!”


“So, aside from that, what’s up with you and Jason, hmmm?”

“Well, at the party, we talked for a looong time, and he was holding my hand, and we danced for a long time, and he was such a gentleman! And at the end, he gave me his number!”

“Shut UPP! That’s awesome!”

“What about you and Bradley?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I laugh at her.

“Well, we talked for a long time too, and then we took a walk to a place nice for taking pictures, and on the walk back, he gave me his suit jacket! Then he protected me from these horny teenage guys, and…..”

“Where you okay?” I knew right away she was referring to my dad.

“Bradley helped me. But we danced, and, yeah.” My face was red by the end.

“Are you two a thing now?”


“Do you wish you were?”

I did not want to answer that question, because the thing is, I don’t really know.

Then, Bradley texted me. Thank GOD!  

“Who is it?”


Bradley J - Meet me at the beach? Maybe @3pm?

Azalea<3- Ya sure. I’ll be there J

“Got a date?”


“Oh. What time is it?”

“Holy shit!”


“It’s 4am!”

Kylie widens her eyes, and grabs a blanket and a pillow from the couch.


I chuckle at her. I grab a blanket and pillow too, and go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Call Me Sometime, a Bradley Steven Perry Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now