New Additions.

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The first thought that comes to my mind every morning is probably, “That fucking bird!” Whenever my alarm clock breaks, or I turn it off, or chuck it at the wall, there is a bird that lives on my windowsill and chirps and pecks at my window. I swear, it does it on purpose. Then I remembered my shift started at 1 o’clock, so I groan and complain for a few more minutes, and then I get out of bed. I change into my jeans and mint green Starbucks tank, and my favorite combat boots. My makeup was neutral, not high profile. A couple flicks of mascara, but the only thing that stood out was my pale lips stain I got a week ago. I grab my keys, phone, and a book for break. It throw them all in an over-the shoulder bag, and run downstairs. I grab a banana and a granola bar, and my mom was on the couch with Lizzie. I was confused, usually she and Luke were at work and the nanny was here.

“Were is Annie?” I asked. My mom turned towards me.

“Sick. I took a day off so I could watch the little munchkin.” She smiled at that last part.

“Oh, okay. I’m taking my bike today.” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“Are you sure? It’s a little chilly, you may want to bring a jacket. Oh, and an umbrella, it might rain later.” I roll my eyes in the slightest.

“Hey, don’t give me attitude!” She said in a warning tone.

“I didn’t say anything! I have a hoodie in my bag, and I’m grabbing an umbrella too, okay? I’m going to be late for my shift.” My mom suddenly looked like she was going to cry.

“You are getting so old and responsible sweetheart. So grown up and tall.” I go kneel down by her.

“Are you okay, mom?” She wiped her eyes.

“Just the hormones. Sorry hun.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Hormo- what?! Are you and Luke-.” I trailed off, because she finished for me.

“Yes. We are having a baby!” I smile widely at my mom.

“Oh my God! That’s so great!”

“Yes, it all fine and dandy. Now hurry up and go, you’re going to be late.” I nod frantically, give her a hug, and run out the door. The second I stepped out, I noticed she was right. It was chilly, and I felt a single drop of rain. I was still standing in the doorway, and my mom gave a small chuckle and shot an ‘I-told-you-so’ look in my direction. I was freezing, but she didn’t need to know that. I stuck my tongue out at her, and stepped all the way out. I didn’t grab my hoodie. Even though she couldn’t see me, I was not going to prove her right. I get to Starbucks a minute late. I go in the back door, check in, and grab my apron. Kylie was doing the front all by herself.

“You are late, missy!” My friend Jack said.

“Oh calm down, it’s been 2 minutes.”

“Now it’s 3.

“And whose fault was that?”

“Get up there!” I roll my eyes and shove his shoulder, and make my way up to the front counter.

“There you are! God, you took forever!”

“Sorry, held up at home.” She slowed down what she was doing. She didn’t stop, but she slowed a bit.

“Oh my God, is everybody ok?” I laugh.

“It’s good news. My mom and Luke are having a baby!” She gasps and squeals.

“That’s so awesome! How do you feel?”

“What do you mean, what do I feel? It’s great! I love little babies, and Luke’s a great guy, and he makes my mom happy. So if they are happy, I’m happy for them.”

“That’s good. Oh, you’ve got a customer.” Kylie said, right as the next girl was coming up. I snap back into work mode. I try not to be that one annoying barista with the obviously fake and sappy smile, and the way too perky demeanor, but I also try not to be that boring, dumb teen barista, who was dull, rude, and snapping their gum. I really try hard not to be the last one, even though that may be what I’m feeling like some days.

“How can I help you?”

And the day went on as usual. Asking about the weather, “That’s my favorite too!”, “Ma’am”, “Sir” junk until it was mine and Kylie’s break. It was a small café, and a slow day. Only 4 of us were there that day. Jack, Stacie, Kylie and I. I brought out my book, and started to read. Kylie pulled out her phone, and was tapping away. I doggy-eared my page, and set my book down.

“Who are you texting?”

“Jason. He told me to tell you that Bradley misses you.” My face goes red.

“Tell him I miss him too.” She clicked her tongue and smiled at me.

“Cute! And just a reminder, you still haven’t told me about the date yet!” I didn’t. I felt a little bit bad, but then I just spilled. I told her everything. I told her about the boardwalk, the ice cream, how he kissed me, dancing, going to the beach with him at the end.

“God, that’s amazing!”

“Isn’t it? God, he’s so amazing!”

“Jason is taking me out later tonight. I’m so excited!” I smile at her.

“You better tell me everything. Everything, got it?”

“I will, I promise. Is there anything else?” Then I remembered the men on the boardwalk.

“Well, when Bradley and I were on the boardwalk, there were these two men there as well. They didn’t move, they were facing away from us, and they weren’t speaking. They honestly looked like wax figures, but they were listening. I knew that much.” Kylie’s eyes widened after every word I said.

“Azalea, you should tell someone about this, given everything that has been happening to you. Maybe now they, whoever they are, aren’t trying to hurt you indirectly anymore. You have to be careful about this. Promise me, that if that anything else weird happens, you tell me, or someone else right away. I don’t get sappy very often, so pay attention. We have only been friends a few years, but in that amount of time, I’ve never connected with a person so deeply before. It was awesome, we were awesome and fearless. You may not be scared, but I am. I am scared for you. You promise me that, okay? Promise you’ll say something?” She looked like she was about to cry, and her voice was breaking. My eyes watered, and the clear image that was in front of me now blurred. The tears fell, and it was clear again.

“I will. I promise.” The let out a small breath of relief.

“Ok, good. Now stop your fucking blubbering, you’re gonna make me cry, and this mascara is too expensive.” I smile at her, and she smiles back. Then it was time to go back to work. 

Call Me Sometime, a Bradley Steven Perry Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now