Chapter 3

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Shannon's POV:

I quickly showered and washed my hair before heading back into my room and outfit hunting, I have so many brand new outfits especially for tonight but there's way to many to choose from. Long black dress with a slit, short purple dress there's sooo many to choose from, I'll just ask Jayde, the clock is ticking so I better just start with my hair and make up.

I plugged my curlers in as I sat at my dressing table waiting patiently for them to heat up before I start my make up, I don't even know what style to do. My phone lit up in front of me with a message popping up from Dylan 'I can't wait to see you x' it read, causing me to smile.

'Well aren't you sweet, looking forward to seeing you to of course X' I replied, he's perfect.  There's not a bad bone in his body, I honestly couldn't ask for anyone better.

'Anything to keep you happy baby, see you soon. I love you xx' he replied, i typed a quick 'I love you' back before placing my phone back on the side and finally curling my hair.

'Jayde?' I called, she's awfully quiet, I can usually hear her bashing around in her room trying to find an outfit, something's really making her down lately but she won't tell me what.

'Yeah?' She smiled as she entered into my room, her hairs tied up in a bun with loose curls, and her makes up done perfectly already, how did that only take her an hour to do?!

'Have you sorted an out?' I questioned 'and how the hell did you do your hair and make up so perfect so quickly?'

'I think I'll wear my off the shoulder red dress' she grinned 'and well, you've probably been glaring at your phone texting Dylan for the past hour instead of getting ready, come on you do your make up and I'll curl your hair, we know it'll take you hours otherwise'

'Life saver, what's the time anyway?' I asked, it can't be later than 11 surely.

'Half 12 shan' Jayde laughed 'and I doubt you've even picked an outfit yet'

She knows me way to well

The Real Winner - Dylan O'Brien Where stories live. Discover now