Chapter 7

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Jayde's POV:

As we're turning the corridor, following one of the workers as they lead us to our rooms, we past one directions dressing room. The four boys names are listed underneath and when I see Harry's name my heart skips a little.

'Ah harry.' I say, dreamily. Shannon laughs and turns to the boys behind us.

'Love of her life, can you tell.' She laughs.

'He's never going to like someone like you , he likes older woman so sorry but you're stuck with me.' Matt spits before rushing past us, walking up ahead. I can't even be bothered to go after him this time. This is what he does, he kicks off about whatever his problem is and then rushes off in a strop so I have to go after him. This time I'm not because I've got more important things to do, like get myself ready. Tonight is a big night for me and if he doesn't want to be nice, I don't even know why he came. To be honest I'd rather he left.

'You alright jayde?' Shan asks me as we finally reach our dressing room.

'Yeah, id rather he just left to be fair.' I nod. 'Wow look at this room.' I gush.

'Beautiful isn't it.' Shan claps. 'Babe could you do me a favour.' She turns to Dylan.

'Anything.' He smiles. I've always been jealous of how sweet he is with her.

'Could you ask matt to leave, it's better if he just goes.'

'Yeah I was thinking that actually.' He says before kissing her on the forehead and disappearing back into the hallway.

The Real Winner - Dylan O'Brien Where stories live. Discover now