Chapter 21

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Shannons POV:

'I suppose it's just the two of us then' Niall winked making my skin crawl, I can't believe jayde run off with Harry knowing what Niall has already done to my relationship.

'No' I firmly stated 'and there never will be just the two of us, I'm going to find jayde. Please don't follow me'

'Of course I'm going to follow you you stupid cow I'm here with harry' Niall laughed, walking closely behind me. I headed towards the stage, I knew Harry was taking jayde to meet Justin so I guess that's where they could be, well I hope so anyway.

'How are you and Dylan anyway?' Niall spoke up making me roll my eyes.

'Yes Niall were great, even better thanks to you' I sarcastically smirked causing him to frown.

'Well you can't be that great if he's half way around the world and you're here with me' he threw back, I turned around to face him a smirk spread across his face, knowing full well he was starting to piss me off.

'Actually, he asked me to go with him but I'm here for work purposes, just like he's gone there for. Besides my relationship has nothing to do with you. Now let's find harry and jayde so I can get out of here, I knew this was a mistake' I spat, his voice annoys me.

'Well, I know I wouldn't leave my girlfriend behind especially when she looks like you, you won't be together soon I just know it' Niall carried on speaking, making my skin crawl yet again.

'Right, if we're going to have to spend the day together can we at least get along and stop talking about my relationship?' I huffed.

'That sounds good' Niall winked and he walked close by me, pushing past the crowds of people.

We finally spotted Jayde and Harry heading up the stairs towards the back stage area, we speed up our pace heading towards them. We got towards the fence and heading through Niall placed his hand on my lower back gesturing me to walk in front, security guards and camera men were surrounding us everywhere, instantly my mind set on the story they'll release of me and Niall, I can't believe Jayde ran off and left me with him knowing what this will do to my relationship.

I hurried up the stairs and into the back stage area, spotting Jayde, Harry and now Justin straight away.

'Jayde, I'm leaving' I spoke quickly 'I'll see you tonight for the party but for now, I'm going home' with that I turned around and headed out towards the exist of the festival before Jayde could try and stop me.

The Real Winner - Dylan O'Brien Where stories live. Discover now