Chapter 22

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Shannon's POV:

I should really text Dylan explaining about today but I don't want to worry him, he knows I won't do anything and it's not like I even stayed at the BST festival anyway, I didn't spend longer than 15 minutes alone with Niall so surely no story can really come from that.

A few hours had past so I decided to send Jayde a quick text asking her to pick me up on the way to the after party, i wonder how the day went she spent it with both Harry and Justin she must've been in a world of her own with those two by her side, and of course Niall. That boy is so so weird, but something in my mind is telling me to gravitate towards him and I really don't know why, he's so rude but I can't help my thoughts.

It was now 6:30, I quickly head upstairs to the bath room and jump in the shower, I need to sort myself out ready for later. I quickly washed my hair and shaved my legs before I knew it I was standing in front of my wardrobe trying to decide what to wear, I hate choosing outfits without Jayde, I always get stuck between three. This is hard work.

I quickly curled my hair and applied a full face of natural make up to my face, I popped my hoop earrings in and headed back to the wardrobe, I still can't decide what to wear.

I heard my phone ring from the other side of the room, it's Jayde.

'We will be 20 minutes' Jayde laughed into the phone, she is 100% drunk already. Oh god that is never good.

'Okay, I'm stuck with an outfit' I sighed into the phone 'I can't choose between black skinny jeans, heels and floral top, black mini tight fitted dress with red heels OR my white polka dot slit dress, please help'

'Urmmmm, I think the black ones best' Jayde suggested 'see you soon'

I grabbed the dress from my wardrobe and pulled it over my head, I pulled my heels from the cabinet and put them on, I placed my phone lipstick and bank card into my red clutch bag and finally I'm ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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