March 2022

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16 March 2022


"Dinner is officially served", the man in front of me said, and then with a hand on chin, surveyed the table in front of him. "Did I forget anything?"

I couldn't help but smile. It was the night after my birthday. Felix had made me dinner to make up for him having a showing at the gallery the day before. The showing meant he was busy and according to him couldn't celebrate my birthday properly. I didn't mind that I only got to see him for a few hours the previous day. Those shorts moments meant a lot to me.

But Felix didn't want to hear it. He was going to make up for it, whether I liked it or not. On the menu that night was leg of lamb, potato and coleslaw. He'd prepared everything by himself, with a little help from a recipe book.

I couldn't wait to taste it, even though I couldn't see a fork or knife in sight.

"Uh...are we going to eat with our hands tonight?" I said with a cheeky grin.

"Oh shit! Right! The forks and knives! I totally forgot", he said after a moment of confusion.

I was about to tell him I'd get them when my phone rang. On the screen was displayed "Helen". Why would Helen call us that late? It was only 7:06 pm, but it was too late a call for our relationship. We had more of a professional relationship.

"I have to take this. It's Helen", I said to Felix.

He nodded. "I'll get the forks"

"Hi Helen", I said when I answered my phone.

"Hi. I have some great news", Helen said excitedly.

"You do?" I said.

"Yeah. Emily is in labor".

I nearly dropped my phone.

"Oh my god. Now?"

"Yes! We are at Lakeview memorial..."

"We are coming to meet you there!" I interrupted. "That's okay, right?"

"Of course. Get a grip of yourself Archer. We've talked about this. It's why I called", she replied. "See you soon".

I didn't get to think about what Helen had said. After she hung up Felix walked back into the room.

"Where are we going?" he said. "Are you running away from my food? It's not that terrible"

"Emily is in labor", I blurted.

Felix's mouth opened slightly and his eyes enlarged.


I nodded quickly.

"Then we better hurry", he said grabbing his jacket.

"Shouldn't we put the food in the oven first?" I said.

"I don't care about the food. Our baby is...she's...we are going to be dads", he said.

"I care about the food. You made this especially for my belated birthday", I said. "I'll put it away while you get the car out of the garage, yeah?"

He nodded. Instead of walking towards the door leading to the garage, he walked towards me.

"How do you feel?"

"Terrified... happy", I replied.

He gave me an assuring smile and walked towards the inside garage door.

Putting away our food didn't take long. I literally ran to the car. For once Felix didn't worry if the alarms were activated or not. He backed out of the driveway and sped towards Lakeview memorial hospital.

Spaces in between (Stockholm Syndrome: Extended chapters)Where stories live. Discover now