Return to Zero Dimension

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A few weeks after taking down AffimaX, we had some time of peace, but like always, it doesn't last for long. "A huge hole in the sky? What are you talking about?" I asked at the sudden remark Uni made. "Yeah. Apparently, Noire thinks it could be a problem, so that's why we're here." Uni said. "Yeah! Blanc thinks so as well." Ram said. "And I'm guessing that is why Vert is here spooning me." I said, slightly annoyed. "Vert! Get over here! We have serious matters to discuss." Noire called. "You girls are no fun." She said and let me out of her embrace. They talked it over a bit, and came to the conclusion to go scout it out, so they all transformed and left for the hole. "I really wanted to help, too." Nepgear sighed. "Hey, I'm sure they'll be fine. They have Noire with them, after all." Uni started to brag. "Gee, thanks. I feel more at ease now." I said sarcastically. I stood you and left for the door. "I'm going out for a bit. Don't follow me." I said and left the room, leaving Uni and Nepgear together. I wasn't just going to stand by and wait. I'm going with them, whether they like it or not. I transform and fly after them, their exact path.

Later, I hear flying behind me. I turn my head and use my eyes to zoom in on what is behind me. Nepgear and Uni. I said not to follow me. I slow down and let them catch up to me. "What are you two doing?" I asked. "Nanu? What are you doing out here?" Nepgear asked. "I asked first. What are you doing here?" I asked again. "We wanted to check up on them. Nepgear's idea." Uni answered. "Well I'm doing the same. Was that so hard to guess?" I said and flew ahead. The other two followed. As we enter the hole, all color was lost. All we could see was blue with white lines. "This isn't just 'some hole in the sky'. I think we might be in a dimensional rift." I said. "What makes you think that?" Uni asked. "Well, look around. Haven't seen those monsters around in a while, no?" I asked. "You're right. These are monsters from Zero Dimension. What is this place?" Nepgear asked, looking around. "C'mon. Let's press on." I say and lead the way. As we made our way through, we noticed that more monsters appear the deeper we go. Soon enough, we reach the end of the line, but only to see a horrifying scene. "Uzume?!" Nepgear said, surprised at the sight. "Hey there, Gearsy. Brosy. It's been awhile." She greeted us. "What are you doing?! Let Neptune and the others go!" Nepgear yelled, and tried to run up to her, but I grabbed her arm. "Wait, sis. We don't know where this goes. It could be dangerous." I said and pull her back. I give her over to Uni. "Uzume! Unhand them, now!" I say and draw my scythe. "Aw, don't worry about it. Just doing what I need to do." She said, turned, and left. "Don't go!" I shout and lunge at her, but was stopped by the dark CPU at her side. She was gone. "We need to get home, and tell Histoire. After that, we make a plan." I said and hit Nepgear in the back of her neck, just to knock her out.

After a few days of moping, the group finally got their shit together to actually make a real plan. "We know, Uzume is involved, so we can assume are destination is Zero Dimension. We need to go there, find Uzume, and have her explain her actions. There must be a reason. We just need to find out." I said. "Do you think it will be that easy? She could be anywhere by now. And what makes you think she'll even say a word about her plans?!" Uni started yelling and grabbed me by the collar. I kept my face stern, making sure not to show weakness or falter. "I don't know if she will or not. But we need to try. Do you even care about Noire? Everyone else? I would have gone alone and saved them myself, but I stayed here to make sure you girls wouldn't beat yourselves up. I considered your feelings and stayed with you. I didn't have to, but I did." I said and moved Uni's hand away from my collar. "Nanu's right. We need to at least try to do something! We can't sit here and mope while who knows what is happening to our sisters." Nepgear stood up. "Thank you for being there when we needed you, Nanu. You're the best brother a girl could asked for." She said with a tearful smile. I pat her head. "I know." I said and approached Rom and Ram. "Are you two ready for the trip ahead?" I asked. They turned to face me with tears in their eyes, but nodded all the same. "Good. Let's try to pitch in Gold Third, if they have the time." I instructed and left for Lastation. Uni followed close behind.

"What?! Noire has been kidnapped?!" K-Sha asked in shock. "Yeah. Can you help?" I asked her. "That bitch is going to pay. That Uzume..." She muttered to herself. "Don't kill her, she was my friend and ally at one point. Until we find out her motives, that is when we decide what to do with her." I say to her. "Fight me!" She said and pulled her gun on me. "Woah- Jesus!" I shout and jump back. "I need to let out all this rage!" She screamed and started shooting.

She must have had a lot of rage, because she was a lot stronger than the last time we fought at the Golden Summit. But we won, somehow. "Thank you. I needed that. Now, let's go save Noire!" K-Sha said and ran ahead. "Hey! Wait for us! K-Sha!!" I shouted and chase after her. "Hey! Don't leave me behind!" Uni also shouted and ran. We all met up at the Planeptune Basilicom, with our respective Gold Third members. "Alright. Now we need a way to get to Zero Dimension." I said, thinking. "Why don't we just use the hole in the sky? That's how Uzume got them in the first place." C-Sha suggested. "No. The path is blocked by ruble. Mostly likely, Neptune blew up a wall with that explosive device she had." I said, shaking my head. "I can help with that." Histoire said, flying into the room. "You can?! Since when?!" Nepgear asked. "I learned awhile ago. Be ready, I'm opening up the portal now." She stated and focused. A portal similar to the one that got us to Zero Dimension in the first place appeared in front of us, only with less pull to it. "It's ready. Hurry now. I can't keep it open for too long." Histoire panted. "Right. Hurry up ladies!" I called and they ran through, I went last to make sure everyone went through. Finally, I went through. I'm coming back, Zero Dimension.

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