The Final Battle Pt. 2

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Nanu's perspective

The final battle has started. For a while, we were overwhelmed by Kurome's size, but we eventually got the upper hand. "Sharing Field, ACTIVE!" Uzume screamed, and the battlefield materialized. Like the last three times, the battlefield didn't change. Same background. As we fought, I made sure to use Holy Heart to heal anyone who was wounded. "How are you holding up, Nepgear?" I asked as I held my staff to her. "To be honest, I'm a little excited. But sad at the same time." She replied. "Sad?" I wonder. "Yeah. I mean, this might be the last time we see Uzume." She answered. "Ah. Don't worry. No matter what happens, we'll always remember her. And if we find a way to get back after this, we can visit again." I told. "Thanks Nanu. C'mon. Let's back to fighting." Nepgear said and fired a beam from her sword. "Right." I responded and flew off to do some work myself. "Let's see..." I say to myself and hold my staff up, shooting a beam of light into Kurome's giant face. She took huge damage from this attack. "Did I just shoot Shares at her?" I asked myself. Big sis flew up to me. "It seems you did. Whatever weakness the Dark CPUs have, it must have originated from Kurome." Big sis told me. I nod in agreement. I fire another beam at her and she stumbled back into a platform behind her. Noire and Uni were on that one. "Sorry!!" I shout to them, and though Noire was clearly angry, Uni just gave me the thumbs up. "I should be more careful with this." I said an moved to an area with no one on the platforms. Firing away, she stumbled into the platform on her right. This, plus the platform damage was heavy on her, her HP was already down by half. "Leave some for us." Vert said and threw her spear at Kurome, dealing small damage. "Okay, never mind. She's all yours." Vert said. "Hey, let's do a combo." I say to her. "Of course." Vert agreed. Vert materialized a large spear above her hand. "Cyclone Stab!" She shouted and impaled Kurome's chest. "Try some of this!" I shout and form multiple spears made from Shares. Shooting them forward, they flew past her and curved into her back. "And have another!" Vert called out and shot an even bigger spear into Kurome. Next I fly up to it, and form a fist of Shares, slamming the spear deeper into her. "SHATTER APART!!!" I shout at the top of my lunges, striking right through her body. This removed a large chunk of her HP. "Wow. Not bad you two." Blanc said as she approached us. "Maybe you could do a combo attack with me next?" She asked. "Sure." I agreed. Jumping up, I fly out of sight. Blanc came from below, tossing her axe into the air with incredible force. Flying toward me, I attempted to catch it, but ended up flying up with it. As soon as I catch my balance, I fall with the axe still in my hands, and slam down on Kurome's head. Going behind her, I throw it to the back of her head, and Blanc caught again, and smashed it across Kurome's face. Using my staff, I finish the attack with a huge beam of light toward her. Huge explosion💥. "That axe is heavy." I complain. Uni and the twins came up next. "Us next." The ask. "Sure, I guess." I say and prepare for more. Moving forward, I move behind her. Rom and Ram mixed some fire and ice magic together to do some good damage. Uni came from above and shot downward, getting in three headshots. Lastly, I come in and shoot her from behind and make the hit count up to 15. Not the biggest hit count, but it was big damage. The next three, big sis, Nepgear, and Noire came up. "Okay. Let's get this over with. I'm getting tired." I say. The three laugh at my comment, but stopped once we started the combo. Big sis and Noire started off, cutting in an X pattern up Kurome's body. Next, Me and Nepgear come from above and below, Nepgear cutting up, me shooting down. And to finish, Noire and big sis attack from both the left and the right. "Still not done?! Just die already!" I complain. I look at her HP bar and see that she only had a quarter of it left. One more joined attack should do it. But with who...? I look around and see that everyone already did something. Except Uzume. "Uzume!" I called to her. This caught her attention and she came up to me. "Combo with me?" I asked simply. "Okay! You can count on Uzume!" She said happily. To start, I fire off a light beam to knock Kurome off balance. Next, Uzume screamed into her megaphone, while flying around her head. This did big damage due to the Sharing Field boost. "With me!" I called and made a huge sword of light that was way to heavy for me to swing. I stumbled around a bit, until Uzume caught me and helped me swing the blade down. We look at each other, and nod. Shouting and screaming, we slam the huge blade down, running it through Kurome and finishing the fight. A huge pillar of light engulfed Kurome as the final damages were dealt.

The Sharing Field vanished, and we were all back in the city. Kurome lay on the ground, barely able to get up. "You've won...?" She breathed. Uzume walked up to her. "Not yet. We need to get rid of you now." She said. "So you're just going to throw me out...? Just like my...our...citizens did?" Kurome asked. "That's all in the past. It isn't good to hold grudges." Uzume tried to tell her. "But I guess I should thank you. If you hadn't existed, I wouldn't have met all these wonderful friends." She said happily. "Kill me." Kurome said, disgusted. "No. I won't. I didn't accept it before. But after hearing your stories, and looking back into my memories. You are me. And I am you. And I can't get rid of myself. I can only accept you." Uzume said and reached out her hand. "You'd forgive...someone like me...?" Kurome asked. "Don't question. Just accept." I cut in. Kurome looked back at Uzume. "Heh. Guess I have no choice. Thank you..." She said as she took Uzume's hand, and vanished. Mission complete. "We did it?" Noire asked. "Not yet. Look to the north." I said and flew up with everyone. The void, which was supposed to be ocean, filled with water again. "Everything is coming back." Big sis said in her HDD voice. Soon, the cities of the other nations came back into view. "Now the only issue is to rebuild." I said. We all landed again. From Nepgear's N-Gear, Histoire called us. "Everyone. The rift is closing. Hurry back." She said. Flying off, everyone but me was about to leave. "Nanu. C'mon. We don't have time." Big sis said. I look around and nod, making my decision. "I'm going to stay for awhile and help rebuild." I told her. "But Brosy-!" Uzume was going to protest, but I made my choice, and I'm sticking with it. "I can't just leave two people to rebuild on their own. Especially if they are both girls." I said and look over at big Neptune. "If that is what you want, I won't stop you." Big sis agreed. Everyone else left, leaving me, Uzume, Neptune, and Memoire. "Let's get moving. This world ain't gonna rebuild itself." I said and we all got to work.

This task got done faster than expected. It only took a few months to rebuild each and every nation. The speed of Thunder Heart will never cease to amaze me. During the reconstruction, Memoire learned how to make inter-dimensional gates at anytime. So, once everything was done, I said farewell to Uzume and the other CPUs that survived from the other nations. Memoire came back to Hyper Dimension with me, since she is still my personal oracle. On my arrival, poppers popped and confetti flew through the air. "Welcome back!" Everyone greeted me. I never felt so at home. "Thank you." I say and hug everyone in the room, a tear dropping out of my eye. This is my life now. This is my home. And I don't regret it.

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