The Final Battle Pt. 1

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Neptune's perspective

"Say whaaaat?!? Nanu left on his own with Uzume!?" I scream. "Indeed. I tried to stop Nanu, but he refused to listen. Then Uzume came out and decided to go with him." Memoire explained. "If we do find Kurome, we won't be able to follow through with Nanu's plan." Vert commented. "Why did he leave?" Blanc asked. "To destroy the other Dark CPUs. That's what he said at least." Memoire continued. "Not that. Why did he leave when he knows he might not survive?" She clarified. "Oh. That. He told me that he didn't mind if he died. He told me that wouldn't become an official CPU no matter how hard he tries." She said to us. "What does he mean?" Noire asked. "Well, Nepgear was a candidate before Nanu came into your life, so she automatically earns the right to rule Planeptune. And the same could be said for Uni." She told us. "What about Vert?" I asked. "Nanu said she could ask Rom or Ram, and the one who takes Leanbox, the other will rule over Lowee." She continued. "But that is not possible. I already asked them and they both refused, saying they both want to rule Lowee." Vert told her. "Nanu doesn't know about this?" Memoire asked. "Not that I know of, no." Blanc responded. "Oh, on. We need to get him back." Memoire told us. "But we can't! We don't have time." I complain. "Uni. Takes Nepgear and the twins and find Nanu." Noire told her sister. "Okay." She responded and transformed. "This way, we can focus on Kurome, while they find Nanu." Noire explained her obvious plan. "I saw Nanu and Uzume fly to the east nation of Lastation. Since the two had about eight hours of fighting, they probably went to either Lowee or Leanbox." Memoire told them. "Got it. C'mon everyone." Uni said and left with the others. "I hope they find him in time." I pray.

Moving forward, we begin our search for Kurome. No luck so far. When an idea hits me. Returning to the Basilicom, I tell it to everyone. "Guys, I have an idea!" I exclaim. "This can't be good." Noire complains. "What?! I didn't even start yet!" I say. "I agree. If it's Neptune, then this can't end well." Blanc agreed. "Yes, very true." Even Vert agreed. "Now now. We haven't even heard it yet. Please, Neptune. Explain." Memoire gave me the green light. "Okay. So. If Nanu and the others are in the other nations, then maybe Kurome could be too." I told them. After a few moments of silence, Blanc spoke up. "That's...not bad, actually." She said. "It makes since. We searched the entirety of Planeptune and found nothing of her. Searching in other places could help a lot." Vert nodded. "Haha! What do ya think Noire?! Genius, right?" I mocked her. "Shut up. I'm going to look in Lastation." She said and flew off to the east. "Wait!" I called her back. "Here. It's a caller so when one of us finds her, they can push the button and alert every." I explain. Everyone took one and left, leaving me and Memoire here. I stuck around to continue looking in Planeptune. And speak of the devil, she was here. I silently press the button on the caller, telling them that I found her, and to come back to Planeptune. "Hello Nepsy. All alone I see?" She approached me. "Yup. Just lil' old me." I told her, trying not to act suspicious. "I didn't think you would actually split up like that. How dumb can you be?" She mocked. "You planned this?!" I asked her. She laughed a bit. "Yup. I knew you would split just to find me. That way I can pick you off, one by one." She said and started her attack. In no time, I transform and block the attack. "I never thought that you had been watching us. Haven't you heard, 'cheaters never prosper'?" I asked her. "Nope. Never. Why follow the rules when there are no rules to being with?" He mocked me. "Heh. I couldn't have said it better myself." I said. She was about to ask what I meant, but got the picture when someone slashed her in the back. She fell to ground from the attack, and soon a spear and an axe slam into her jacket, keeping her down. "Your plan worked like a charm, Neptune." Vert complimented. "What is this?! I thought you all left for the other nations?!" Kurome said. "Neptune gave up callers that make a certain sound when one of us finds you. If we did find you, all we had to do was press this button and we'd come running." Blanc explained. "So, in other words, we outsmarted you." Noire bragged. Kurome gritted her teeth. She was angry. So angry, in fact, that she ripped her clothes and didn't mind fight completely top less. The only thing covering her is her pants. "Woah! She's going to fight us like that?!" I shouted as she jumped at me. "You may have outsmarted me, but that doesn't mean I can't beat you to a pulp!!" She yelled and spin kicked us in a 360 degree spin. "I don't care what I have to sacrifice. I don't care if anyone suffers. All I care about is my revenge! To destroy any and all you who threw me out!" Kurome started freaking out. "What?" I asked as I balance myself using my sword. "The world will know...what I felt! To be rejected! Ahaha...AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She began laughing hysterically. "She's completely lost in her own delusion." Noire stated. "You are all just a couple nuisances! Get out of my way!!" She screamed and began a transformation. She grew in size, larger than any Dark CPU we've ever seen. Resembling Dark Purple, her skin was a darker shade of gray. Orange armor and golden lines running through it. "What the hell?! Are the Dark CPUs this big?!" Noire asked while shouting. "No. They're a lot smaller than her. But it makes sense, she made them." I told them. "No way... How are we going to beat her, then?!" Blanc asked. "If only Uzume were here. We could stand a chance." I said to myself. "Well, here I am!" I heard Uzume's voice as she uses her tiny arm shield to block the incoming attack. "Uzume!" We all said in unison. "Is she really the only one you care about?" I heard Nanu's voice. I turn to the left and see him with Nepgear and the others. "Nanu!" I said and got back up. "Does this mean-?" Noire was about to asked, but Nanu finished for her. "All the Dark CPUs are a thing of the past." He replied. "Now. Let's focus." He said to and transformed. But it wasn't Thunder Heart. It was Flame Heart. I know that standing, bright orange hair anywhere. "Does this mean that you found them?" I asked. "Yeah. In a way. They were sealed inside the Dark CPUs the entire time." He responded. "And a new hero arrived with it." He said a changed at will. He was blinding, just a light. When it faded, he was in all white, with faint yellow running through his uniform. His wings, though abnormal, were not very technological like the rest of us. He had classic angel wings. He also wore, still, white boots with blue line coursing through. His hair was now an angelic blonde. "I have yet to come up with a name, if you want to name this form." He responded. "White Heart is taken already. So... how about Holy Heart?" Vert suggests. Nanu shrugged. "Good enough. It seems to fit well." He said and pointed his weapon. A staff, like Rom and Ram. This forms seems to be a healer of sorts. "Okay! Listen up, Kurome! We are going to defeat you, here and now! Get ready!" Nanu called. The real fight has just begun.

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