Uzume Tennoboushi

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When we arrived in Zero Dimension, the first thing I noticed was that nothing had changed. Everyone, and everything, still in ruin. "This is Zero Dimension? I was kinda expecting more." Uni said. "We told you it was a wasteland." I told her. "I know, but that's not what I meant." She said. "C'mon. We have work to do." I said and make our way to Uzume's base. "This is where we stayed for most of our time here. Uzume's hideout." I said and look around. No signs of anyone being here for a few months now. "It would seem like she moved entirely to the headquarters." Nepgear said. I only nodded. "She said she wanted to fix up the city nearby. Let's check there next." I commanded. "You're so cool, Nanu!" Rom almost squealed. "Thanks." I said and pat her head. We made way to the city nearby, and like the rest of the place, it was still deserted and destroyed. "I'm going to look around and see what I can find. It's clear that she's here." I said and left the group. After looking around for a bit, I heard a stone turn on the ground. "Who's there?!" I said and drew my sword. It was just Uni. "Did you find anything?" She asked. I shook my head. As soon as I let my guard down, I hear footsteps running out way. "HEEY!! BROSY!! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!!" I heard Uzume's voice call out to me. I turn to face her and see that she didn't change. She stopped in front of me, and dropped her hands on her knees, out of breath. As soon as she caught it though, she threw her arms around me. I wanted to hug her back, but I was still a bit skeptical. I heard a click sound. "Freeze, bitch." Uni said, pointing her gun. Uzume let go of me and put her hands up. "W-What's going on? Brosy?" She asked looking at me. "I have a few questions. And I don't think you're going to like what I ask." I said. "At ease Uni." I yelled her. She lowers her gun, but still kept it in her arms, ready to open fire. "Where is Neptune?" I demand. "Nepsy? I haven't seen her since you all left. Honest." Uzume said without a stutter. "How's she doing, by the way?" She asked. "Kidnapped, if you must know." I explain to her. "Kidnapped?! But Nepsy is, like, super tough. Who could kidnap her?" She asked me again. "Someone like you." I state. "Do you deny that you came through the dimensional rift, so you could kidnap all four of the CPUs from our dimension?" I asked her. "Yes. I deny it. I was here the whole time you were gone. I had no idea that a rift even opened." She claimed. I stepped up closer to her, staring into her eyes. I back away when I find my answer. "You're safe. I see nothing but truth in your eyes. Thank you dealing with this pressure." I said. "So what happened, exactly?" She asked. "Neptune, and the other three CPUs from our dimension have been abducted by a doppelgänger of you. Any ideas?" I told her. "A doppelgänger? Of me?! Are you sure?" She questioned. "Seeing is believing." I nod. "Okay, I'm lost. This is the real Uzume who helped you out, right?" Uni asked. I nodded. "C'mon. Everyone else is waiting. I say and walk back to the group. "Gearsy's here too?" She asked. "Why wouldn't she be?" I asked sarcastically. We all met up at where we all split. Rom and Ram got along with Uzume quite fast. "Okay. Does anyone have an idea where this look-a-like might be?" I asked everyone. Only whispering and muttering. "I do. There's a huge void of nothing over to the north. I might be wrong, but sometimes, when I'm up there, I can see bits and chunks of buildings inside." Uzume said. "Let's go there then. If it's a false lead, we can always backtrack." I say and start walking. "What's gotten into him?" Uzume asked Nepgear. "He may not show it too often, but he's really worried about Neptune." She answered. "Shut up!" I shout back at them. After that, I only hear giggling.

While walking, Rom and Ram suddenly stopped. "I'm hungry." Rom complained. "I am too! What's for lunch?" Ram asked. "Nothing, unless you want to eat shiitake mushrooms." I say pointing to the ground. "What?! We came all the way here, and we didn't even bring food?! What is wrong with you people?!" Ram started to shout. "Listen, brat. We have no food. Eat the mushrooms, or grow up." I said. Ram puffed out her cheeks, showing she was angry. "I brought food." Nepgear said, holding a basket. "Since when?!" I yell. "Since we left. I made sandwiches. So eat up you two. You too, Nanu. I know how you get when you're hungry." She said. I grab one of the sandwiches and take a bite into it. My face lit up a bit, as it tasted pretty good. "Not bad." I mutter. "Here, Uzume. I made some for you too." She said and handed her a one. "Sweet! Thanks, Gearsy-!" She was about to say, when Rom said something. "There's shiitake in these." She said. "Gah! That was close." Uzume said and dropped the sandwich on her plate. "Stop being picky. I thought you were hungry a minute ago." I said. She only made a sad puppy face. "Well, that won't do, Rom. Being a picky eater in never a good thing. You should be like Uzume, who loves shiitake." Nepgear. "Gearsy!?" Uzume freaked out. "Yeah, Rom. Being a picky eater is lame." Ram said. "L-Lame?" Uzume heard this and looked over to me and Nephear. "Y-Yeah. I love the stuff! I eat it it breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" She stuttered. "Really?" Rom asked cutely. "Show us!" Ram demanded. "Uh!" Uzume didn't want to. "I can't right now. My stomach isn't feeling so good." She lied. "Aww, what! That's so lame." Ram whined. Uzume stopped. "Gah! Fine!!" She yelled and swallowed the entire sandwich whole. She chewed slowly, and slowly her face started to light up. "Wow...that was actually good." She said. "I know. I had Nanu make. I just wanted to help you out." Nepgear said. "Try some, Rom. It's really good." Uzume told her. Rom was hesitant at first, but was brave and took a bite. Like Uzume, her face soon lit up into a smile, and she happily took another bite. Soon, the entire sandwich was gone. "Alright, are we ready?" I asked. Rom and Ram nodded and we continued our way.

Uni's perspective

I still don't trust this Uzume girl. She puts on a good act, but I can see right through her. "Hey? Are you alright, Unisy?" She asked me. I was caught off guard and stumbled back a bit. "Um...yeah. Totally fine. What made you think that?" I laughed nervously. "Well, you were staring at me, so I sorta thought you still don't trust me." She replied. "Oh, no! If Nanu and Nepgear trust you, so do I." I said, lying to her. "Okay! Cool. Just making sure. Brosy told me you were a great person, and amazing with guns." Uzume complimented me. "H-He did?" I asked her back. She nodded. "Yeah. But he also said you weren't honest with your feelings, and called you a tsundere, or something." She told me. I felt a vein pop into my head. "He did, did he?" I asked, slightly angered. "I need to have a little talk with him." I added and left to Nanu. I made sure to scold him for that.

Nanu's perspective

For some odd reason, Uni started yelling at me. I don't even remember telling Uzume that. "How ya doing, Brosy?" Uzume asked me. "Fine. Thanks for asking. Shouldn't you be in bed?" I inquired. "I can't sleep. So I thought I would help you with night watch." She responded. "Thanks." I said and lay down. "Hey, remember when you first got here?" She asked as she lifted my head into her lap. "Yeah. I remember." I replied and just realized what she was doing. "What are doing?" I ask her. "You shouldn't lay down in dirt, you'll get your hair all dirty." She said. "Fair enough." I replied. "Back to the conversation, I also remember how you didn't like the name I gave you when you were still Nep-uh... however you say that." She said. "It's bat even that difficult." I said with a laugh. "No way. That was probably the most difficult name out of you and your sisters." She denied. "Well, I kinda grew into it. I don't mind that name anymore, as long as you're the only one saying it." I told her. We continued to talk about our time here, and we did when we left, until I fell asleep. And later, Uzume did too. We stayed in that position until it was Nepgear's turn for night watch. She even took it upon herself to put us back into the tents. We didn't know what tent unit the next morning. Apparently, she put us in the same tent, on the same bed paddings. I walked out of the tent, preparing to get breakfast ready, since me and Nepgear are the only ones who can cook. Once everyone was up, we set out toward the north. When we got there, we saw what Uzume was talking about. A void of nothing. "I can see what you mean. It really is a void of nothing." I said. "Yeah. This place is intense. Whatever falls in, is never seen again. But sometimes, I see debris flying around in there." Uzume. I caught wind of a sound of what sounded like a sword cutting through the air. "Get down!" I yelled, pushed Uzume out of the way, and block the attack with my own weapon. "Neptune?!" I shout and push her back. "Hey, Nanu. Long time no see. How've you been?" She asked casually. Classic Neptune. "Just fine. How about you? Why did you try to attack me?" I asked back. "Reasons." She said simply. "That doesn't really explain anything." I say. In the distance, we could hear footsteps. "Woah there, big Nepsy. We don't want Brosy dead. Just the other annoyances." Said a voice that sounded a lot like Uzume's. No. The Uzume in my head. Out of the trees, she stood there. It was Uzume, but it wasn't at the same time. Who is she? Why does she want me alive?

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