The Future of Gameindustri

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From there, everything went a little slower than normal. The shift period ended and Planeptune ended up with the highest number of citizens, with Lastation coming out with the least. "I told you you should have went with more friendly conversations." Big sis teased Noire. "Shut up! You only came out on top because Nanu helped with reconstructing another dimension." Noire defended herself. As me and Nepgear watched the two bicker, Uni and the twins came up to us. "Hey. You guys also going to get the talk?" Uni asked. "The talk?" I asked. "Yeah. Once the shift period ends, the current CPUs resign from authority, and passes the torch to us candidates." Uni explain. "That's why everyone's here?" I asked again. They all nodded. "Well, I guess I'll have to excuse myself then." I say and was about to leave when Vert grabbed my arm. "No no. You too." She said with a smile. I join the line of candidates and stood there. "As you all know, we must resign from our positions once the shift period ends. And we want you all to succeed us." Noire said. "Nepgear. I leave the future of Planeptune to you." Big sis said with a tear in her eye. "Uni. Look over Lastation while I'm gone. I won't forgive you if you don't take good care of it." Noire sounded as if she was scolding her. "Rom and Ram. Lowee is yours. And remember, you can't just play around as much anymore." Blanc said as she patted her sister's on the head. "Wait, if Rom and Ram both take Lowee, then..." I was going to ask, but Vert finished. "Yes, that's exactly it. I'm leaving Leanbox in your care." She said to me. "But I can't. I'm not even an official candidate." I said. "Your candidate enough. We all talked this over, and Neptune and Nepgear agreed to this." Vert said, comfortingly. "I'm not worthy." I said to myself. "Thank you. I won't let you down." I say. Vert smiled. "I know you won't." She said back.

Once I had packed all my things, Gerrie and Memoire and everything, me and Vert left for Leanbox. Landing onto the balcony of the Basilicom, I overlook the city. A peaceful island nation best known for its variety of video games. "So this is Leanbox. It's my first time here. Can I look around the city?" I asked like an excited child. "Of course. Just be back for the public announcement." Vert agreed and I bolted out. Looking around, a lot of people began to stare. I can hear them whispering too. "Is that Nanu...?" I heard and, "He's so much cooler in person." I must be popular. After I got used to the city, I returned to the Basilicom and met Memoire and Gerrie. "How was it?" Memoire asked. "Amazing. There was so much game stores and everyone was so nice." I told them. Vert walked out of her room, in her HHD form and in a white cloth below her waist, and a only a strap to keep her large breasts covered. "Ah. Right on time. Get changed. We only have less than an hour." She told me. "Okay." I say and go into the dressing room, wearing a black blazer and dress pants, and a green under shirt. I walk out and try to keep Gerrie off me, so he doesn't ruin the tux. The announcement started. "Citizens off Leanbox. I thank you for your support over the past years. But now, I must step down as patron CPU to someone else. But you may be wondering, who? Well, due to the kindness of Neptune, the CPU of Planeptune, she has allowed her younger brother, Nanu, to rule Leanbox for me." She spoke my name, and signaled me to stand. I did so and came next her. The crowd was huge. Leanbox's entire population has come out to see this. I swallow nervously. "So, let us welcome our new CPU with a loud cheer." Vert tells them, and they cheer. I was so moved that I almost burst into tears right then and there. But I didn't, thankfully. As the announcement ends, everyone starts to leave. And me and Vert enter the Basilicom again. "This never left my mind, but what happens after you resign?" I asked. "Me and the others will lose our HDD forms and live life as normal people. What, did you think we would vanish from existence?" She giggled a bit. "Well, yeah." I replied. "You may not see us very often, but we will watch over you, whether you know or not." She said. "Now before I resign, I want to do some things with you. I've never had a sister, let alone a brother. Come, let's go out to eat something." Vert invited me. "Okay." I agree and we left, leaving Gerrie and Memoire. While we got to know each other, I also asked Vert some important CPU things. Like how are the CPU candidates born. "CPU candidates are born from the patron CPU's Shares." Vert explained briefly. "If that's the case, then why don't you have one?" I asked. "I'm not sure myself. I may have done something wrong. But I don't mind anymore, as long as I know you're watching Leanbox. About birthing them, Memoire will tell you that." Vert said with a bright smile. I nodded in understanding.

The next day, Vert officially resigned as patron CPU, and passed the torch to me. Before she left, however, she wanted to make sure that the candidate birthing was a success. "Focus your Shares to the Sharcite, and it will automatically collect and create the candidate based on your personality." Memoire explained. Doing as she said, I put my hands up to Sharcite and close my eyes. I could feel some of my Share energy leaving my body. I kept my eyes closed, just in case I mess it up. Soon, the pressure ceased. It was done. I open my eyes and see it was a success. Standing in front of me, was a smaller female with long and wavy, light blue hair. "Now all you need to do is name her. Once she hears her name, she will awaken." Memoire told me. I didn't know what to call her. The first thing that came to my mind was..."Azura." My brain thought. "Azura." I said simply. Like Memoire said, upon hearing her name, her eyes opened. "Oh my. What happened? How long have I been asleep, big brother?" She asked. I was taken aback by this. "Woah. Who knew it felt so good to be called big bro." I said to myself. I turn back to her. "Not long, Azura. Don't worry about it. C'mon. Let's go for a walk." I suggest. She smiled, and nodded in agreement. When I was going to tell Vert it was a success, she was nowhere in sight. She left. "Hey? Memoire? How was it that Azura knew I was her older brother? I thought it would take some getting used to." I asked. "The candidate shares your Shares, so that includes creating memories of you." She said. "So they're fake?" I asked. "No. She just knows who you are is all. It was like that with lady Uzume too." She explained. "Wait, Uzume had a candidate? Then what happened to her little sister?" I keep the questions going. "I'm not sure. She most likely didn't survive." Memoire told me. I sighed. Soon enough, Azura walked into the room. "Big brother? Why are you down?" She asked. I look up at her. "Oh. Nothing. Sorry. Let's go for that walk now. We need to get you familiar with the city." I said and picked up Gerrie. "Oh, and this Gerrie. He'll be our pet." I introduced him. "Bark!" He barked and jumped into her arms. She was surprised at first, but got more comfortable very quickly. We soon left for the walk I promised.

Later that day, me and Azura went to Planeptune to make our coronation ceremony, along with everyone else. Dressed in the same tux from yesterday, I had it dry cleaned and ready for today. The ceremony was starting. "Thank you all for coming. As you all may know, I am Nepgear. The new patron CPU of Planeptune. I thank you all again for coming. I would like to welcome to Planeptune today, the CPUs of the other three nations. Uni, of Lastation." Nepgear paused and Uni walked up to the stage. "Rom and Ram, of Lowee." She continued, and the twins walked up the stage together. "And lastly, you may know him as my brother, but I welcome back Nanu, of Leanbox." She finished and I walked up the stage. Forming a circle, we all join hands. "I, Nepgear, speaking for Planeptune," Nepgear started us. "I, Uni, speaking for Lastation," Uni spoke next. The twins were next. "I, Rom..." she started and paused for Ram, "And I, Ram," she said, "speaking for Lowee," the two finished together, and it was my turn. "And I, Nanu, speaking for Leanbox." I say. Now, altogether, "We, as the CPUs vow to peace between our nations. May our friendship keep this vow." We said together. Finally, the ceremony ended and everyone attending cheered, wishing us the best. At the after party, we all introduced our candidates to each other. "Everyone, I'd like to introduce to you, Azura. My sister." I said and put my hand on her shoulder. "Wow, she's so pretty!" Ram said. "Oh my. Aren't you a little small to be a patron CPU?" Azura asked her. "What?! I may not look it, but I'm the same age as everyone here." Ram defended herself. "We're not that young. We're just short for our age." Rom said, transforming back. "I didn't know you could have such young-looking CPUs. If big brother had a loli fetish, I may have ended up looking like you." Azura said with a laugh. "H-Hey now. I do not have a loli fetish." I said. "Well, I think it's my turn. This is my little brother, Kyoki." Uni introduced. "Brother?" I asked and look at the smaller boy. "So you're the one who ended up with a brother. I thought I would, but I guess not." I said. I reach my hand out, expecting him to shake it, but he only ran behind Uni and hid. "He's a little shy." She said as he popped his head next to her shoulder. "Well, my turn. This is Viola. My sister." Nepgear said. "Hi! How ya doing?" She asked. "She's like a miniature Neptune. And that's a good thing in my eyes." I state. "I know. She's quite a handful." Nepgear sighed. " two?" I asked, looking at Rom and Ram. "This is Shiro. She's more like Ram though." Rom said. "Well, shouldn't you have two?" I asked. "Well, Ram kinda failed. So it's just Shiro." Rom explained. "Ah, that explains it. Well, hello to all of you." I say. I look to the sky, checking the time. "Oh, wow, look at the time. I should go. Gerrie needs to eat, and Leanbox isn't gonna protect itself." I said and transformed. I pick up Azura by her arms and carry her up. "I'll be sure to visit often, sis." I say and fly off.


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