Drowned in Delusion Pt. 1

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While moving through the Lowee Basilicom, things began changing. Now the wall were black with red lines running through. A sign to tell us, "You're getting warmer." It all seemed too convenient to me. Finally, we hit a dead end. The good kind. Kurome was there waiting for us. "So glad you could make it, Brosy." She said with a wicked smile. "I didn't miss the party, did I?" I asked sarcastically. "Oh, no. You're just in time." She responded. Behind her, big sis and the other CPUs were laying on multiple beds. Some groaning was heard, probably big sis, as she rose up in the bed. "Ugh... what a dream." She said. "More like a nightmare." Noire said as she got up too. Vert and Blanc were the next to wake up. "Neptune! Thank goodness." Nepgear sigh in relief. "Something's off. She wouldn't just show them a bad dream and let them go." I thought to myself while the others were doing the same as Nepgear, thinking we've succeeded. My suspicion was correct, as usual. "Ooh! It's Nepgear! I'm gonna kill her!" Neptune said excitedly. "What?" Nepgear gasped. "No no, Neptune. If you kill her just like that, it takes the fun out of it. Right Uni?" Noire said. "She's right. You have to torture her slowly if you want to have fun with it." Vert comments. "Knowing Neptune, she needs an example. Rom, Ram. Let me hear you scream." Blanc threatened the twins. "What did you do?" Uni asked Kurome. Of course, she didn't give a direct answer. "Nothing at all. I just showed them some things, and now they hate you all. All according to plan." She said. "So you're going to chase us away with our own sisters? Why didn't I see that coming." While I spoke to Kurome, the others started attacking. Neptune versus Nepgear. Noire versus Uni. Two against one with Blanc versus Rom and Ram. While Vert deals with everyone else in the party. They even went as far as to transform. But something was off. Their eyes were now light shade of red. "How sad. I thought you girls would put up more of a fight, but I guess not." Kurome laughed. "Time to use my brain." I thought. "Everyone, fall back! This is too big for you all to handle!" I called out. Everyone in the room retreated, except Nepgear, who was being strangled by big sis. "Neptune...stop this...please..." She wheezed, and for a second, it seemed like her words reached her, but Neptune increased her grip around her neck nonetheless. As an attempt to free her, I transform and throw my scythe. If it's Neptune, she'll dodge it. Like I planned, she let go of Nepgear and jumped back, my scythe's blade stabbing itself into the ground. "I suppose this isn't the time for this, but I told you so. Go, run now. I can handle this." I told her. Nepgear coughed, and stood up. But she didn't run. "No. I won't run away. When she was choking me, her grip let up for second. We can still save them." She said. "I still think you should go. But whatever. Just don't slow me down." I said. "What kind of joke is this? You think you can beat us with just the two you?" Noire asked. "It doesn't matter who's fighting, or how many." I say and pause. "It just depends on who's playing the game." Nepgear finished. Behind them, I took a look at Kurome's face. She had her normal wicked smile, but it said something. Like, "Let's see what you got." kind of look. "Ready, Nepgear?" I asked her, and her answer was, "Yeah!" With that out of the way, we began battle. Lunging forward, our first opponent is Vert. Slamming my scythe into her spear, she blocked the attack. "Switch!" I yell, and back away so Nepgear could get a shot in. Caught off balance, Vert took the hit pretty hard, knocking down most of her HP. "Switch!" Nepgear called and I flew in for the attack next, smashing Vert into the wall. With this, he HP depleted to zero. Vert was out cold. Blanc was next, starting off strong with her most powerful attack, the Hard Break. "Ow. This may be more difficult than I initially thought." I said. Blanc jumped in for the finishing attack, but was blasted with a large energy beam. "Nanu!" I heard Uni's voice as she flew by my side. "What are you still doing here?!" I asked. "That's not important. Right now, we need to focus." She said and handed me Neptune's Nepbull. I smile, and drink it down. Soon after, everyone else in the party caught up, wounds healed. "Rom, Ram, and C-Sha with me! We're saving Blanc next!" I called. Payback time. Ram used her fire magic to hit Blanc back. Next, Rom froze her in place. C-Sha dashed foward and smashed her into another wall of ice. Lastly, I move behind her. "Don't even think about it!" I say and slash my scythe through the wall. Her HP went down fast, hitting zero before she can counter attack. Like Big Neptune and Vert, a dark aura fled her body. Exhausted, I breath for air. While I was slowed down, Noire made an attempt to attack me while I was vulnerable, but was stopped Uzume. "Uzume won't let you!" She said as she screamed into her megaphone, sending Noire back. "Thank you." I said and pat her head. Uni came up to me, as well as K-Sha. "Fire!" I shout and point to Noire. K-Sha's rapid fire attacks with Uni's powerful single shots make a deadly combo. I throw my scythe into the fire, smashing it into her. Following its path, I grab the handle and swing it again, slashing her body. Uni and K-Sha finish the job with one last shot from both sides. Huge explosion! Like before, the darkness left Noire's body and disappeared. The last one standing was Neptune. "Wanna help with this one, sis?" I asked Nepgear. She nodded. "Uzume wants to help too!" Uzume piped in, ready to get on the offensive. "Alright. Let's go!" I shout and move forward. Neptune did the same and met my attack. Pushing her back, I swing again while she was open. The hit knocked her off balance, and we started our combo. Starting off, Uzume screams into her megaphone, forcing Neptune to cover her ears. The ground below her crumbled and erupted, sending her into the air, where I was waiting. Gripping the long handle on the scythe, I slam her back down to the ground. The momentum of the crash sent her back up at half the height, where Nepgear flew in from the left and delivered the finishing blow. "Come back to us, Neptune!" She yelled as she flew past her, slashing Neptune with her sword. Neptune's HP dropped to zero. We had won the fight. "We did it!!" I shout and turn to Kurome. "How's that!" I yell at her. She didn't answer. Just smiled. Then bursts into laughter. "Ahahaha. That was an excellent performance. I'm impressed, Brosy. I really am. I made the right choice being you here." She complimented me. This was not the answer I was expecting. "Heh. Clueless, are we? Let me explain. This was my plan the whole time. I was the mastermind pulling the strings. I brought you to Gameindustri via the portal you were sucked into. I erased your memories, and gave them back. I was the one who was toying with Gold Third, had them beat you all at that tournament to change the world. Have AffimaX retrieve my console. After I had my console, I kidnapped your sisters to bring you right back here. And now, you're all mine." She explained her plans and what she done. "You remember the delusion aura fleeing from the opponents you've face, right? Brosy. Where do you think that went?" She asked me. "Delusion aura? I didn't see any." Nepgear said. "That's because Brosy is the only one who can see it, other than me." She said. I finally got what she was trying to say. "You are such a bitch." I say angrily. "Heheh. You won't be think that way for long." She said and snapped her fingers. An ominous feeling washed over me. "Everyone! Run-! AAAHH!!" I started my sentence, but was cut off due to my shout of pain. I could see nothing but flashes of black and purple. Soon after, it stopped. I could still see, and hear. But I wasn't in control. Not anymore.

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