L.U.S.T intro/Chapter 1

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L.U.S.T a four letter world that can be the ruin of lots of things your relationships friendships and even more L.U.S.T that one second your hesitant to pick up the phone and text the forbidden number L.U.S.T something you know your ass shouldn't be lusting for but you still do L.U.S.T the unusual feeling you get when he picks up and says 'hey i'll be there in two minutes' LUST the unusual feeling you get when you slid into that vine silky dress that your boothang loves L.U.S.T the unusual feeling of unwilling as you looking in the mirror unassurance  being overthrow but by that feeling of lust within L.U.S.T the deadly unusual feeling you get when you hear that car door bang and those footsteps L.U.S.T the unusual feeling you get when he opens the door L.U.S.T the stunning rush you get as you hear his footsteps L.U.S.T the rush you get as he walks through the door L.U.S.T the stunning rush you get as his STRONG aroma lightly attacks your nostrils L.U.S.T the stunning rush you get when he takes of all his clothes come up close slowly and carefully n L.U.S.T that moment of pressure you feel as he gets closer  



L.U.S.T the thrill you get as you kiss affectionately 

L.U.S.T the thrill you have when you move slowly together when your body becomes one your legs wrapped around him 

L.U.S.T lust the trilling experience you longed for as his kissing every part of you 

L.U.S.T the knowing of what your doing and how it can effect you

L.U.S.T not caring about the consequences 

L.U.S.T the feeling that just overrules takes over you and locks up the angel in you and brings out the demand 

L.U.S.T is the screams you scream in unison

L.U.S.T is a powerful thing that can put an end to all things....   

L.U.S.T  (August Alsina,India Westbrooks story)Where stories live. Discover now