Mistletoe Madness (Beau)

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Every year your parents threw a holiday party. It was pretty much an open invite for anyone who wanted to come. So some family, a few neighbors, and a few mutual friends that came every year. Along with your best friend Beau. Who really wasn't even like a guest. He came and helped set up and you two would cause mischief throughout the whole process.

Your mom put the two of you in charge of finishing up the decorations. By now it was little tedious things, nothing really big just the minor details that probably wouldn't really matter to anyone else but for your mom's sake you did them because she'd be upset if you didn't.

"Do we really need to finish this now?" Beau whined at you. "It's snowing right now I wanna be out there, not in here hanging - bleh, mistletoe."

"Beau," you sighed chuckling. "We're almost done then we can go outside. Plus I'm too short to hang the mistletoe."

"Ugh you're such a shrimp." He laughed.

"Hey!" You pouted crossing your arms.

"But you're a cute shrimp who just so happens to be my best friend." He smiled ruffling his hand on top of your head. "So I'm gonna help ya."


People were scattered around the house. Chatter, festive music and the smell of gingerbread filled the air, it was a cozy and comforting feel. Just being able to stand there and see that everyone was having a good time. You were leaning against the door frame between the living and dining room, fingers loosely gripping onto your mug of hot chocolate. A smile played on your lips you couldn't seem to shake.

"Hey shrimp." Beau called from behind you. Without even looking you knew he had a smile on his face just by his tone.

"Hey there ya big tree." You giggled.

"Alright that was uncalled for." He said leaning against the opposite side of the door frame.

"So was being called shrimp." You said turning to face him as you nudged him with your shoulder. Beau just rolled his eyes with a small laugh.

"So are you having fun?" He questioned.

"Yeah, just like every other year that's all. What about you?"

"I would say I'm about the same."

The two of you just stood there watching everyone interact with each other. All the smiles, hugs and stories being shared truly lifted the mood of the room and honestly you just couldn't not be having a good time. Next thing you knew the song changed from a slower song to a faster one and your brother came over grabbing your hands, pulling you into the middle of the living room dancing around with you causing you to laugh uncontrollably.

"(Y/B/N)! You're gonna spill my cocoa!" You squealed.

Taking the mug from your hand he placed it on the coffee table before continuing to parade around the room with you. You could hear Beau's laugh from the doorway as he watched you two. Once you made it all the way around the room he spun you around and off back towards the doorway. Beau caught you so you wouldn't fall. Both of you laughing as your brother danced off to your aunt and started doing to her what he'd done to you.

Looking at Beau both of your chuckling subsided as your eyes met. Beau's arms were wrapped around your waist as yours were around his neck. Bursts of laughter broke out behind the two of you which clearly meant your brother had done something everyone found hilarious.

"Hey (Y/N)." Beau said just above a whisper.

"Yeah?" You asked confused as to why you didn't feel more awkward in this situation.

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