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"Luke it was nothing! The guy just came up and grabbed me!" I protested.

"It didn't look like nothing!" He shouted back at me whilst running his fingers through his hair, "I need a drink." He sighed.

Luke turned on his heels and stalked into the kitchen. We had just come back from a party that Luke had dragged me out of. Luke can get protective, and not that I minded but times like this when it wasn't my fault he could be a bit harsh. This guy at the club came to me, I only danced with him for a minute before Luke decided to take control of the situation.

I followed Luke into the kitchen, he was leaning against the countertop, with a beer in his hand. I jumped onto the marble counter, hoping Luke would have calmed down by now.

"Luke..." I started but got cut off by his lips crashing onto mine and his hands pulling roughly on my hair.

His teeth grabbed my bottom lip and Luke lifted me off the counter, I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. I grinned as he carried me upstairs, not breaking the passionate kiss. He pushes the bedroom door open with my back, causing me to moan angrily into his mouth.

He dropped me down on the bed and took his top off before sitting at the edge of the bed, taking my hand and holding it to the bedpost. Then dropping it and leaving the room without a word.

"Hey! Where'd you go?" I called. I love it when Luke is rough but leaving me here is just mean.

I sat up as I saw Luke re-enter the room, hiding something behind his back.

"Luke...?" I questioned.

"Y/N..." He mocked before showing me the set of handcuffs he had previously concealed. He looked at me with a cheeky grin.

I stuck my tongue in the corner of my mouth whilst smirking back at him, the cheeky shit. Luke didn't break his stare from me until he reached for my hand again and chained me to the frame of the bed. He didn't bother walking around to the other side, he just climbed over me and put his legs either side of my hips, deliberately leaving his crotch near my face. I felt him handcuff my other side, as soon as he's finished he rested his hands beside my cheeks and leaned close to me, his breath ghosting over my lips.

"You're mine, you understand?" He growled.

"Show me," I responded, biting my lip and batting my eyelashes.

This seemed to spark something inside of him and he bent down, attacking my neck, sucking and nipping occasionally. His hand covered my mouth when I moaned which urged me to start grinding my hips against Luke. I felt a bulge growing and sniggered slightly, Luke drew his hand away from my mouth and looked at me.

"You think this is a game?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh yeah, and I've got you just where I want you," I replied.

Probably the wrong thing to say, I thought, I'm the one in handcuffs. He just smirked and crawled down my body, stopping to unbutton my jeans and rid me of my underwear. The anticipation was killing me, but I couldn't do anything because of my restricted hands and the force of Luke holding my hips down. Luke dragged his tongue around me, slowly, his lip ring coming in handy for teasing me terribly. I moaned, signaling to him I wanted more and he obliged. Nipping at my clit he dug a long finger into me, causing me to arch against the bed and silently curse my restricted hands. I clamped my eyes shut, Luke must have noticed because he took the opportunity to stop touching me. I opened my mouth to protest but Luke just leaned over to peck my lips. I was surprised at the sudden change of attitude but was pleasantly surprised as I felt him push into me.

"Shit..." He drawled.

"Fuck," I screamed as he hit my g-spot suddenly, "Do that again."

The room was swimming with heat and the smell of sex. I hit my orgasm sooner than expected, my senses going wild. Luke kept going, drawing out my high until he came as well.

He drew out of me and reached over to let me out of my chains. I rubbed my wrists carefully, Luke noticed.

"It didn't hurt too badly, did it?" He asked.

"No," I grabbed his hair, finally able to touch him and kissed him, biting his bottom lip, "I love you." I breathed.

"I love you too."

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